The English department trains high-level English specialists.
From the first year, it offers training in specialist English. Specialised English offers a wide range of opportunities in research and teaching (language sector for specialists in other disciplines).
- Director: claire.lambard [at] ens-paris-saclay.fr (Claire LAMBARD)
- 6 permanent lecturers and teacher-researchers, one agrégée préparatrice, two ATERs and one lecturer.
The language department is organised into three divisions:
- Anglicists: initial training for students in the department
- LANSAD and language centre: for students from other departments and school staff
- Continuing education and English courses: for continuing education students and those with specific needs.
The Languages Department trains students to a very high level in English, recruited by competitive examination or on the basis of their academic record. The course covers a wide range of subjects (literature, literary translation, American and British civilisation, specialised English, linguistics, corpus linguistics, terminology, oral English) and lasts three or four years, leading to a Master 2 in research.
Almost all students take the agrégation externe d'anglais (option civilisation or linguistics) during their course.
Anglicists trained by the Department are particularly well prepared to enter teaching environments where specialised English is at the heart of the language training system (grandes écoles, IUT, language courses for specialists in other disciplines in universities).
- Bachelor's degree in English studies, specialised English course, in partnership with Université Paris Diderot
- Research Master's in Foreign and Regional Languages, Literatures and Civilisations (Specialised English), M1 and M2 jointly with Université Paris Diderot (M1 year in an English-speaking country)
- Preparation for the agrégation extern d'anglais (civilisation and linguistics options) combined with a Master 2 FESup (teacher training in higher education).
Main subjects taught in the first and second years of study
- Specialised English (discourse analysis, English didactics, terminology, corpus analysis)
- General English linguistics
- Literary translation
- Literature and civilisation of the English-speaking world
- Spoken English
LANSAD and language centre
The Languages Department runs LANSAD (languages for specialists in other disciplines) courses for other departments. These courses include preparation for the Cambridge (Advanced) diplomas, as well as modules specific to each discipline (for example, English scientific writing courses for doctoral students in the Doctoral Studies department).
Evening courses are offered to ENS Paris-Saclay students and staff at the language centre: English, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, French as a foreign language and, in partnership with ESTP, Arabic, Japanese and Portuguese.
Continuing education and English courses
In agreement with the Continuing Education Service of ENS Paris-Saclay, the Language Department offers English courses tailored to specific needs (written and oral scientific English, techniques of expression for teaching a subject in English).
Competitive entrance exam for 1st year
After a preparatory class for the grandes écoles (BEL English), competitive entrance exams give students the status of "normalien-ne-élève". Salaried during their studies, Normalien-ne-s-élèves are obliged to succeed and are subject to a ten-year commitment.
2nd year entrance exam
For direct entry into the 2nd year of the ENS Paris Saclay diploma, a competitive entrance examination for the Master's programme, which provides three years of paid study.
Application and interview
Candidates are recruited on the basis of their academic record, which gives them the status of "normalien-ne-étudiant-e". This status offers the same training and pedagogical support as for students, except that they are not remunerated during their studies and are therefore not subject to the ten-year commitment.
- Paris Diderot University