Studying at ENS Paris-Saclay

ENS Paris-Saclay is a school focused on training future professors and researchers. It offers a cultural and scientific education of the highest standard, using an educational approach designed to prepare students for a broad set of careers.


A unique education

ENS Paris-Saclay has a distinctive educational approach, which is embodied by the institution's new diploma programme.

The School puts singular emphasis on research-led teaching, interdisciplinarity and an international outlook. All normalien students are active in building their own study path and receive individual supervision from top-level academics.  

The six strong points of a normalien education are:

  • research-led teaching, a springboard to PhD study,
  • training to teach in higher education,
  • an education enriched by the School's multidisciplinary nature (it is the only ENS that brings together science, engineering, the social sciences and design);
  • a personalized programme with individual supervision
  • an education that leads to a wide range of career opportunities in education, research, the senior civil service and the private sector,
  • an internationally-focused education that promotes mobility.


As soon as students arrive at ENS Paris-Saclay, they are able to build their own personalized study path (from the final undergraduate year to doctoral level) to suit their career plan.
The programme includes laboratory internships in France or abroad. It may also include a period of study abroad or be part of a dual degree programme with a French grande école.

Key figures
80% of normalien students do a PhD
90 % pass rate for the agrégation competitive examination