Franco-Japanese workshop on light-electricity interactions at École Centrale Paris

This event is co-organized by the IRP NanoSynergetics, the Programme et équipements prioritaires de recherche sur l'interaction lumière-matière (PEPR LUMA), the Photo Electro Stimulation research group (GDR PES) and the Japanese “Meso-Hierarchy” project.
Don't forget to register for the workshop before March 2, 2025!
Date: Monday, March 17 to Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Location: ENS Paris-Saclay
Inscrivez-vous au workshop avant le 2 mars 2025
Certains chercheurs japonais sont partenaires de l'IRP NanoSynergetics et la plupart d'entre eux font partie de Meso-Hierarchy, un projet "Transformative Research Area" soutenu par le gouvernement japonais à mi-chemin entre un projet ANR et un Labex.
Research workshop on molecules and materials stimulated by photons (light) and electrons (electricity)
This Franco-Japanese workshop will focus on stimulable molecules and materials, with particular emphasis on supramolecular assemblies and phenomena linked to interactions at nano- and mesoscopic scales. It will feature oral and poster presentations.
The aim of the workshop is to present recent work in this field by Franco-Japanese researchers, and to reflect on and discuss future prospects and cooperation. The topics addressed cover all the themes of the Priority Research Programs and Equipment (PEPR) and should be the focus of presentations and discussions:
- Chemical synthesis of molecules, nano-systems, molecular and hybrid materials, supramolecular structures
- Self-assembly, nano- and meso-scale organization
- Structural characterization (X-ray diffraction, microscopy, etc.)
- Ultrafast spectroscopy and excited state dynamics
- Nano- and meso-scale interactions and phenomena
- Plasmonics
- Circularly polarized luminescence
- Energy and charge transfer
- Single molecule detection
- Theoretical chemistry
Scientific Program
Participants are very much encouraged to submit abstracts to present their research achievements (see Abstracts Submission)
Oral sessions from March 17th (Monday) 13:30 to 19th (Wednedsay) 16:30 will host:
keynotes conferences (45 min, incl. discussion)
oral presentations (20 min. or 15 min., incl. discussion)
Large time slots will be scheduled in the program for poster sessions. Some poster presentations will include a flash presentation (2 min 30).
Additionally, on March 20th, possibilities for free discussion for collaborative research projects will be proposed.
March 17th (Monday)
13:30-14:00 Opening
14:00-19:00 Oral Sessions 1-2 (incl. Coffee Break)
19:00-21:00 Poster Session with Welcome Cocktail
March 18th (Tuesday)
09:00-13:00 Oral Sessions 3-4 (incl. Coffee Break)
13:00-14:30 Poster Session with Lunch
14:30-17:00 Oral Session 5
17:00-19:00 Poster Session with Snacking
March 19th (Wednesday)
09:00-13:00 Oral Sessions 6-7 (incl. Coffee Break)
13:00-14:30 Poster Session with Lunch
14:30-16:00 Oral Session 8
16:00-16:30 Closing Remarks
Deux interventions scientifiques Keynotes sont prévues :
- Marie-Claire SCHANNE-KLEIN (École Polytechnique): Second Harmonic Generation Imaging of the Hierarchical Structure
- Steven DE FEYTER (KU Leuven, Belgique) : Surface Dynamics of Monolayer Thin Materials : Des polymères 2D aux moteurs moléculaires.