RACHID.BENNACER [at] (Rachid Bennacer)

Synergistic Energy Systems in Cities

Indoor air quality in Synergistic energy systems
Professor Ruchi Choudhary, Associate Professor, Energy Efficient Cities Initiative, Engineering Department, University of Cambridge will give a lecture at ENS Paris-Saclay.
Ajouter à mon agenda 2024-04-28 01:10:52 2024-04-28 01:10:52 Synergistic Energy Systems in Cities Professor Ruchi Choudhary, Associate Professor, Energy Efficient Cities Initiative, Engineering Department, University of Cambridge will give a lecture at ENS Paris-Saclay. Cachan campus - L. de Vinci Building - Stair 8 - 1st floor - GC5 Room ENS-PARIS-SACLAY Europe/Paris public

The energy systems of future cities will need to cope with climate change, and also increased and more intricate energy demands. The increased probability of a larger than expected rise in temperatures and humidity compels us now to consider high gain methods, despite their increased engineering complexity, fragility, and costs.

Avant-gardist systems that present synergies, typically via interactions and feedbacks (e.g. close adaptation to people's activities, heat recovery from infrastructure, greening of the city) are natural candidates. However, their evaluation, before implementation, can only be achieved by energy models that accurately represent these complex, interdependent, time-dependent stochastic feedbacks.

Such models are only nascent at the site scale and do not exist at all at the district and city scales. This seminar will present some examples of such systems, along with associated models and their challenges.

Research speciality

Dr Ruchi Choudhary specializes in building simulation with a particular interest in multi-scale modelling of energy demand and environmental characteristics of the built environment. Her research is on simulation-based methodologies for energy management of buildings; uncertainty quantification in building simulation models; integration of novel building technologies and renewable energy supply systems; and multi-disciplinary interactions influencing energy consumption of the built environment. 

Dr Choudhary is Reader in the Department of Engineering at Cambridge since 2008. She teaches in the Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Division of the Department of Engineering.

Prior to joining Cambridge, Dr Choudhary was assistant professor of building technologies in the College of Architecture at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, USA (2004-08). She has also taught in the Sustainable and Environmental Design Unit at the Architecture Association in London (2007-09). She received her PhD from University of Michigan in 2004.