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Modeling protein-protein interactions at large scale

Élodie Lainé, Associate Professor, Laboratory of Computational and Quantitative Biology, Sorbonne Université, invited by Centre for Mathematical Studies and their Applications, will give a lecture about "Modeling protein-protein interactions at large scale", the 22nd november.
Ajouter à mon agenda 2024-05-10 00:17:15 2024-05-10 00:17:15 Modeling protein-protein interactions at large scale Élodie Lainé, Associate Professor, Laboratory of Computational and Quantitative Biology, Sorbonne Université, invited by Centre for Mathematical Studies and their Applications, will give a lecture about "Modeling protein-protein interactions at large scale", the 22nd november. Cournot Building, Room C103 ENS-PARIS-SACLAY Europe/Paris public

Protein interactions are essential to all biological processes. Many proteins interact with different partners, some of them binding to different regions at its surface, others using the same region. Our knowledge of protein interaction networks and of protein surface usage is largely incomplete.

I will present several methodological efforts conducted in our team to determine who interacts with whom in the cell and how. We describe protein surfaces using a small number of biologically meaningful properties to predict DNA- and protein-binding sites and estimate the number of partners a protein may have.
We cross these predictions with complete cross-docking calculations to discriminate protein partners from non-interactors at large scale.