Collection of international stories and legends 2020
The project
For the last two years, the International Relations Office of ENS Paris-Saclay, offered and worked with international students in the creation of an international book of recipes especially made during the festivities of the end of the year.
This year, the International Relations Office maintain this cultural project but also to change its principles.
In doing so, instead of collecting recipes; it asked the 2020-2021 international students to participate in telling us their favorite childhood stories and legends from their home countries.
The project was well received and we obtain multiple stories as beautiful as interesting.
From four continents, we are glad to offer you the first collection of international stories and legends. From Marocco to China and Germany to the United States, enjoy this collection made by some of the 2020-2021 promotion of ENS Paris-Saclay international students for all students.
Thank you to Ziyad, Philemon, Tamizhmalar, Robert, Lauren, Christien, Quan, Marcel, Hina, Abraham Sekou, Ange Khevine and Kiran for their commitment and participation!
We do hope that reading this book gives you as many joy as it gave us while making it.
(Creation: Jérôme Foubert / Publication: Calameo)
The International Relations Office would like to thank all students who participated in this project despite all circumstances as well as Jérôme Foubert who help us make it real.