Art collection

The School owns a number of works that are featured on the Cachan campus, giving it the special appeal afforded by juxtaposing green spaces, sculptures and paintings. This reflects an awareness of the important role played by the presence of art in a place of science.

Art works on campus

Two pieces deserve special attention, as they are the work of artists who made their mark on the history of modern art. :


    « La Spirale » bronze sculpture
   Germaine Richier (1904-1959)
   at the entrance to the D'Alembert building



Two frescoes painted on canvas of uniquely large dimensions: 6.3 metres high and 5.6 metres wide.
Jacques Villon (1875-1963)
Hall Villon, D’Alembert


Works by other artists involved in various post-war movements belonging to the "School of Paris" :


« Lion accroupi », stone sculpture
Louis Leygue
Entrance to the university dining hall


« Paysage avec personnages », fresco painting
Léon Toublanc
Level 1 of the university dining hall


Bronze sculpture of four statues representing the seasons
Alfred Janniot (1889-1969)
Main entrance to the ENS Paris-Saclay campus



« Nu », bronze sculpture
Paul Cornet (1892-1977)
Entrance to the D'Alembert building


« Femme en marche », bronze sculpture
Paul Belmondo (1898-1982)
Rue Camille Desmoulins exit


« La Géométrie », large painted fresco with high relief
Robert Couturier (1905-2008)
Hall Villon, D'Alembert building


FRESQU~1.JPG« Personnages dans un paysage »
1st floor, D’Alembert building

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« Nu », Low relief in stone
Marcel Damboise (1903-1966)
Ground floor, G building


Decorative pavement
Ground floor, D'Alembert building

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« A l’ami Expert », bronze bust
Paul Niclausse (1879 -1958)
Renaudeau room, Laplace building

MOSAIQ~1.JPGOrnamental mosaic in marble slabls
Hall Villon, D’Alembert building