mecenat [at] (Partenariats et mécénat)

Baalbek Management, sponsor of the School

Tamara Leros, Director of Baalbek Management
Tamara Leros, Director of Baalbek Management
There are many students at ENS Paris-Saclay who are motivated by careers and technologies in the fields of energy, innovation, data science, sustainable development, smart grid, new mobility and decarbonisation. Baalbek Management, the School's new sponsor, is committed to supporting them by participating in the ENS Paris-Saclay scholarship programme for three years, by sponsoring or sponsoring students and by hosting them on internships.

Baalbek Management

A consulting firm historically specialised́ on innovation in the "Energy & Utilities" sector, Baalbek Management is involved in operational or strategic consulting and data science missions, with major companies such as TOTALENERGIES, ENGIE, VEOLIA, ENEDIS. "This sector has been undergoing profound change for several years. The transformation at work requires enlightened, open and pragmatic support" explains Tamara LEROS, Director. "Our consultants and data scientists strive every day to bring added value to our clients, in a healthy and sustainable relationship." 

The ENS has a very positive image; it trains graduates with a great deal of curiosity and a high level of knowledge to meet current challenges.

3 normaliens by Baalbek Management

Tamara Leros contacted the School after appreciating the skills of the Normaliens recruited. "Several of the Normaliens work with us and I think it is interesting to participate in the development of the school, in continuity. In France, there is sometimes a gap between schools and companies. As I have an Anglo-Saxon culture, I find it natural to strengthen the links between research, training and business." 

  • Ababacar GAYE, a Master's graduate in mechanics (ENS Paris-Saclay, 2011) is an R&D consultant
  • Mounir EL BEIYAD, a physics graduate (ENS Paris-Saclay, 2007) is a Data Analyst 
  • Thibault BEZPALKO, chemistry graduate (ENS Paris-Saclay, 2012), is Data Analyst.

From financial sponsorship to skills sponsorship

Baalbek Management could become more involved, particularly in skills sponsorship. 
"If we manage to recruit students from the Ecole Normale Supérieure, it is thanks to the quality of the assignments offered to our employees, as well as to the healthy and stimulating work environment they find here. France trains elites like nowhere else in the world. But, unfortunately, French companies recruit candidates too much on the basis of their diplomas and stereotypical criteria, to the detriment of equally essential qualities. And generally speaking, French students do not know how to present themselves, especially those who have not come out of the engineering school mould. When a company receives a student from the Ecole Normale Supérieure for recruitment, the person in charge of recruitment wonders what he or she can do with this 'expert'. I think that I can help normaliens to formulate their ability to adapt to the various profiles in the company, not only to talk to technicians, but also to the marketing department or to customers. It's the richness of the Normalian DNA that is interesting for the company, but you have to know how to make the most of it."