A major research establishment close to the School

On 21 March 2024, 3rd year students in the Nikola Tesla Department of Education and Research (DER) were able to visit the facility as part of the optional course on Radiation-Matter Interaction offered in the M2Fesup (Formation à l'Enseignement Supérieur) Masters programme.
The SOLEIL synchrotron is a source of electromagnetic radiation covering a wide range of wavelengths, from infrared to X-rays, a research laboratory at the cutting edge of experimental techniques dedicated to the analysis of matter down to the atomic scale, and a service platform open to all scientific and industrial communities.
Students in the Master 2 "Formation à l'enseignement supérieur en Physique des Systèmes d'énergie électrique et électroniques (PSEE)" and "Formation à l'enseignement supérieur en Génie informatique, traitement du signal, automatique, électronique et Télécom (Intranet)" (M2 Fesup) courses in the Nikola Tesla department visited the Soleil synchrotron, as part of the optional Radiation-Matter Interaction course that two-thirds of them are taking.
They visited the Surfaces laboratory, where they were welcomed by Stefan Kubski, and then the DISCO light line with Hugo Chauvet.
The department would like to thank Loïc Kerignard, from the Médiation Scientifique et Visites de Soleil department, for organising this visit, which has proved its worth year after year.
Nikola Tesla
The Nikola Tesla Department of Teaching and Research (DER), formerly the Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Automation (EEA) department at ENS Paris-Saclay, is at the interface between fundamental disciplines - physics and mathematics - and applied disciplines - engineering sciences.
The M2Fesup courses in the Nikola Tesla department prepare students for the agrégations in industrial science, with options in electrical engineering and computer engineering.