Workshop ENS Paris-Saclay and Université Leibniz of Hannover

Annual workshop of a joint international research group between ENS Paris-Saclay and the Leibniz University of Hannover.

Develop new high-performance computing approaches for high-dimensional problems

From 7 to 9 November 2023, the Laboratoire de Mécanique Paris-Saclay (LMPS) welcomed 20 researchers and doctoral students from the Leibniz University of Hannover (LUH) to the first workshop of the international research group "Computational Mechanics Techniques in High Dimensions".

Seventeen French and German researchers are participating in this group, which aims to develop new high-performance computing approaches for problems defined in high-dimensional parametric and stochastic spaces, multi-scale problems in space and time, and data-augmented simulations.

International research group launched in 2021

This IRTG (International Research Training Group) started at the end of 2021 and is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) for theses in Hanover. It initially provides for two 3-year cohorts of 10 German and 10 French PhD students, and may be renewed for a third cohort. In total, 60 doctoral students over 9 years will participate in this IRTG and will benefit from specific actions to prepare them for an international career in research (mobility, scientific work in an international context, organisation of summer schools by students, organisation of workshops, etc.). The first German doctoral students have already arrived at the LMPS for 6-month research stays.

This group is part of the dynamics of a previous IRTG "Virtual Materials and their Validation" (leaders Olivier Allix at ENS Paris-Saclay and Peter Wriggers at LUH) which ended in 2019 after 9 years of scientific collaboration and with nearly 60 participating PhD students.
Related to this new IRTG, the Franco-German Doctoral College "Sophisticated Numerical and Testing Approaches", linking ENS Paris-Saclay and the University of Hannover, was launched in 2019 and should be renewed in 2023. In line with this IRTG and the Doctoral College, a large delegation from LUH is expected to visit ENS Paris-Saclay and the University of Paris-Saclay in spring 2023.
Leaders of IRTG 2657 "Computational Mechanics Techniques in High Dimensions": David Néron (LMPS, ENS Paris-Saclay) and Udo Nackenhorst (LUH).