aurelie.crifar [at] (LMPS)

Affiliates Club 2023

ENS Paris-Saclay - Crédits photo : Michel Denancé (RPWB)
ENS Paris-Saclay - Crédits photo : Michel Denancé (RPWB)
Created in 1999, the Affiliates Club is a privileged forum for those involved in research and development in the field of engineering sciences. It brings together players from a wide range of sectors, including aeronautics, space, defence, automotive, civil engineering, nuclear engineering and the environment....
The 2023 Affiliates Club will be held at ENS Paris-Saclay on Friday 17 November 2023 from 8.30am to 5pm.
Ajouter à mon agenda 2025-03-11 19:39:33 2025-03-11 19:39:33 Affiliates Club 2023 Created in 1999, the Affiliates Club is a privileged forum for those involved in research and development in the field of engineering sciences. It brings together players from a wide range of sectors, including aeronautics, space, defence, automotive, civil engineering, nuclear engineering and the environment....
The 2023 Affiliates Club will be held at ENS Paris-Saclay on Friday 17 November 2023 from 8.30am to 5pm.
ENS Paris-Saclay - Bâtiment Nord - Salle Emmy Noether (0V45) ENS-PARIS-SACLAY Europe/Paris public

Theme 2023

Non-destructive testing and structural health monitoring

The 2023 edition is devoted to the theme of "Non-destructive testing and structural health monitoring".

We would like to take this opportunity to talk to you about this very active and topical subject, through presentations of our recently completed work and our current projects. We will also have the opportunity to hear from some of our partners to illustrate the need and different strategic industrial visions on this theme.

LMPS Affiliates Club

Created in 1999, the Affiliates' Club has become a privileged place of exchange for those involved in research and development.
The research carried out at the LMPS is in the field of Engineering Sciences. It is based on industrial challenges and is largely carried out in conjunction with industry, in a wide range of sectors: aeronautics, space, defence, automotive, civil engineering, nuclear engineering, the environment, etc.

In 1999, the laboratory's strong links with industry led to the creation of the Affiliates Club (then known as the LMT), which over the years has become a privileged forum for exchanges between R&D players.
As MSSMat also has a strong culture of collaboration with the industrial world, it was only natural that when the merger that gave rise to LMPS took place, it was proposed that this forum for exchange and coordination with our partners, which is now the LMPS Affiliates Club, should be maintained. The Club meets for a day each year and provides a strong structure for partnerships with the LMPS.

Each year, the laboratory's industrial partners are brought together to discuss a cross-cutting theme: presentations are given by both laboratory members and partners, with the aim of discussing medium-term future projects and the collaborative tools to be put in place to develop these projects.

A number of partnership initiatives have come about as a result of discussions initiated during these days, whether through over-the-counter contracts, or through more structured initiatives that provide a long-term framework for collaboration - typically on the scale of several theses.

Topics discussed at the LMPS Affiliates Club

  • 2023: Non-destructive testing & structural health monitoring
  • 2022: Data, learning and AI
  • 2021: Creation of a new research unit on the Saclay plateau
  • 2020 : Transdisciplinarity in mechanics: a turning point for the LMT?
  • 2019 : Notion of "twin" in engineering. Current use, limits and future possibilities
  • 2018 : LMT-Saclay
  • 2017 : What future for mechanics of materials and structures?
  • 2016 : Numerical simulation tools from research and industrial practices
  • 2015 : 40th anniversary of the LMT: 40 years of Experimentation - Modelling - Simulation in mechanics of materials and structures: assessment & prospects
  • 2014 : Development strategies and software transfers at the LMT
  • 2013 : The contribution of tomography to engineering