adeps [at] (ADEPS)

Cet événement est strictement réservé aux normalien·nes de l'ENS Paris-Saclay.

FLASHDOC : find out more about the PhD!

Flashdoc is a moment of exchange around the doctorate. It is aimed at all normalien-nes and specifically at 2nd years. Each session will present the doctorate from a different angle. See you on 1 December from 6.30 to 7.30 pm.

The School proposes to set up exchange sessions dedicated to raising awareness of the doctorate for all normalien-nes, and more particularly for second year normalien-nes.

A session consists of two parts:

  • a reflection on the doctorate
  • short talks by various speakers (doctoral students, post-doctoral students or researchers, from different fields and with different profiles) who will share their experience and answer your questions.

"Why do a thesis?" is set for 1 December 2021 and is part of the Semaine des carrières normaliennes (Normalian Career Week): the skills developed, the in-depth study of a specific subject, international recognition, scientific production, national and international collaborations and job opportunities...

This event is organised with the support of the ENS Paris-Saclay Doctoral Students Association : Association des doctorant·es de l'ENS Paris-Saclay (ADEPS).