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March 2024 diploma conference

Verônica de Carvalho Teixeira, professeure invitée à l'ENS Paris-Saclay, chercheuse au Laboratoire Brésilien de Rayonnement Synchrotron (LNLS) et lauréate 2023 du prix "For Women In Science" décerné par L'Óreal Brésil, UNESCO et l'Académie Brésilienne des Sciences dans la catégorie Physique.
We invite you to attend the lecture by Verônica de Carvalho Teixeira, visiting professor at ENS Paris-Saclay, researcher at the Brazilian Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (LNLS) and 2023 winner of the "For Women In Science" prize awarded by L'Oréal Brazil, UNESCO and the Brazilian Academy of Sciences in the Physics category.
The conference on the theme "Beyond the X-ray microscope: a physicist's journey through the challenges of a woman in science" will take place on Thursday March 28, 2024 from 6:30 pm to 8 pm in the Alain Aspect amphitheatre. Don't forget to register!
Conférence du diplôme
Ajouter à mon agenda 2025-03-13 13:45:19 2025-03-13 13:45:19 March 2024 diploma conference We invite you to attend the lecture by Verônica de Carvalho Teixeira, visiting professor at ENS Paris-Saclay, researcher at the Brazilian Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (LNLS) and 2023 winner of the "For Women In Science" prize awarded by L'Oréal Brazil, UNESCO and the Brazilian Academy of Sciences in the Physics category.
The conference on the theme "Beyond the X-ray microscope: a physicist's journey through the challenges of a woman in science" will take place on Thursday March 28, 2024 from 6:30 pm to 8 pm in the Alain Aspect amphitheatre. Don't forget to register!
ENS Paris-Saclay - Amphi Alain Aspect ENS-PARIS-SACLAY Europe/Paris public

- Date and time: Thursday, March 28, 6:30 pm to 8 pm
- Speaker: Verônica de Carvalho Teixeira, researcher at Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais (CNPEM, Caminas, Brazil)
- Moderator: Loïc Bertrand
- Conference mode: face-to-face, Alain Aspect lecture hall

Online registration is required to take part in the conference via the Intranet.
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Beyond the X-ray microscope: a physicist's journey through the challenges of a woman in science

In this talk, it will be presented some of the challenges of being a woman in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) field, with highlights about the challenges to overcome day by day working in a high technological area such as particles accelerators, which is highly competitive and dominated by men, how the interaction with colleagues is, and how decisions are made considering the women position and leadership.

And beyond the X-ray microscope and important finds in physics and materials science, it will be discussed how the challenges faced by women are mainly about motherhood and personal life illustrated with some historical, close, and personal examples. The thematic concerning the role of women in science and other areas previously dominated and practically exclusive to men has been gaining the necessary attention and debate. Women can bring new perspectives to the scientific, technological, and social development. However, it is important to bring them close, empowering and giving conditions of permanence in this field. In science, the diverse thinking is one of the keys to its evolution and it should be open to everyone. Then, inspiring and having girls and women in equal conditions, makes science diverse and able to evolve more efficiently.


Verônica de Carvalho Teixeira is an invited professor at the ENS Paris-Saclay and a researcher at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), which is part of the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM). Her background is Physics and Medical Physics, and her research focuses on the study of materials for energy, radiation detection, and ancient materials through synchrotron-based techniques. She also works on the development of scientific instrumentation for luminescence studies based on X-rays excitation and on Science Communication.

In 2023, Veronica won the “For Women In Science” prize awarded by L'Oréal Brazil, UNESCO, and the Brazilian Academy of Science in the category of Physics.