secretariat-borelli [at] (Centre Borelli)

Scientific Day: "COVID-Aidants

Scientific Day: "COVID-Aidants
Participate in the Scientific Day "COVID-Aidants: caring for loved ones in the age of physical distance and e-health. A collaborative research", following the research project conducted jointly by the Centre Borelli (ENS Paris-Saclay/ CNRS), the Caisse Nationale de Solidarité pour l'Autonomie (CNSA) and numerous associations of family caregivers. The results of this survey will be presented on Friday 10 February 2023, at the Palais du Luxembourg, in Paris.
Ajouter à mon agenda 2024-07-17 17:38:37 2024-07-17 17:38:37 Scientific Day: "COVID-Aidants Participate in the Scientific Day "COVID-Aidants: caring for loved ones in the age of physical distance and e-health. A collaborative research", following the research project conducted jointly by the Centre Borelli (ENS Paris-Saclay/ CNRS), the Caisse Nationale de Solidarité pour l'Autonomie (CNSA) and numerous associations of family caregivers. The results of this survey will be presented on Friday 10 February 2023, at the Palais du Luxembourg, in Paris. Palais du Luxembourg (Paris) ENS-PARIS-SACLAY Europe/Paris public

Place: Palais du Luxembourg - Salle Medicis - 15 rue de Vaugirard (Paris)
Free and prior registration required (limited number of seats)
Identity document required to enter the Palais du Luxembourg

Collaborative research

The research programme: "COVID-Aidants: caring for loved ones in the age of physical distance and e-health. A collaborative research" was conducted by a research team coordinated by Lise Haddouk and the Borelli Centre (UMR9010), with the support of the Caisse Nationale de Solidarité pour l'Autonomie (CNSA) and in collaboration with several associations of family caregivers: Association Française des Aidants (AFA), Union Nationale de Familles et Amis de personnes Malades et/ou Handicapées Psychiques (UNAFAM), Association des Aidants et Malades à Corps de Lewy (A2MCL), Union Nationale des Associations de Familles de Traumatisés Crâniens (UNAFTC) and Fédération Nationale des Patients en Psychiatrie (FNAPSY).

The main objectives of this research programme

  • To establish an inventory of the issues that constitute the experience of helping people with supported living needs in France at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • To provide an interdisciplinary analysis of this phenomenon and a multifactorial understanding of the obstacles that the pandemic posed to the performance of certain tasks, the solutions that were developed and their impact on the lives of the people concerned.

Each of these two analytical axes integrates the uses of technological tools for remote communication.

Thus, how has the health crisis related to the COVID-19 pandemic shaped helping practices and relationships in the broader field of e-health?


9am - Opening of the day
With Senator Philippe Mouiller and Virginie Magnant

9:30 - Context and project of scientific research on carers
With Lise Haddouk

9:45 - Impact of the health crisis on carers and care practices in France: emergence of e-health
With Donovan Morel, Karine Martinez, Roméa Hauguel

10:30 - A mixed research: presentation of the qualitative and quantitative methodology
With Lise Haddouk, Donovan Morel, Brian Tervil, Michael Rudek

11:15 - Partnership research: round table
Supported and led by Lise Haddouk
With Philippe de Linares, David Causse, Gwenaelle Thual, Elodie Corcuff

12:15 - Lunch on site, René Coty room

14:00 - From interviews to analysis: presentation of the results of the survey
With Lise Haddouk, Donovan Morel, Karine Martinez, Roméa Hauguel

14h45 - From the questionnaire to its analysis: presentation of the results of the survey
With Brian Tervil, Michael Rudek

15h30 - Dynamics and convergences of research on digital health
With Nicolas Vayatis
Discussants: David Causse and Marie-Jeanne Richard

16h30 - Conclusion of the day
With Lise Haddouk