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Spectacle : #COLONIE.S (in French)

Photo du spectacle #COLONIE.S - Crédits photo : Quentin Chevrier
Crédits photo : Quentin Chevrier
The show #COLONIE.S is based on a logic of exploration, considering the ENS Paris-Saclay building as the base of an abandoned space colony.
The performance-itinerary hijacks a science fiction cliché to reinvent an ecological fable in which we are the protagonists.
Book your tickets for Thursday 17, Friday 18 or Saturday 19 February 2022 at 5, 7 or 9pm.
Ajouter à mon agenda 2024-04-28 01:47:44 2024-04-28 01:47:44 Spectacle : #COLONIE.S (in French) The show #COLONIE.S is based on a logic of exploration, considering the ENS Paris-Saclay building as the base of an abandoned space colony.
The performance-itinerary hijacks a science fiction cliché to reinvent an ecological fable in which we are the protagonists.
Book your tickets for Thursday 17, Friday 18 or Saturday 19 February 2022 at 5, 7 or 9pm.
Scène de recherche ENS-PARIS-SACLAY Europe/Paris public


Immersive theatre - Research and creation residency

Thursday 17 February at 5pm, 7pm, 9pm
Friday 18 February at 5pm, 7pm, 9pm
Saturday 19 February at 5pm, 7pm, 9pm

Duration: 1h30
Frédéric Deslias / Norbert Merjagnan
Le Clair Obscur / Laboratoire Dystopique
Prices : 20 € / 14 € / 10 € / 5 €

Bouton réservation


Based on a logic of investigation, the show COLONIE.S invites to explore the ENS Paris-Saclay building transformed into an abandoned space colony, around 4 paths. The spectators play an active role in the exploration of #COLONIE.S, wearing biochemical spacesuits.

#COLONIE.S is the result of a research-creation residency carried out in 2020, immersed in ENS Paris-Saclay, and in direct interaction with the Biology Department, the Design Department and the Human and Social Sciences Department.

The technological and ambulatory dimension of the show mobilised the School's real estate and IT departments. During the residency, the #COLONIE.S team forged valuable links with various partners on the Saclay plateau, notably the Moulon Leisure Centre and the Digiteo FabLab.


Norbert MERJAGNAN is a Science-Fiction writer. His novels deal with a harsh and distant future that unfolds singularities (cf. Les Tours de Samarante, Treis Altitude Zéro, series published by Denoël and Folio SF). He led the Scène de recherche's artistic practice workshop, Science-fiction, écrire l'indicible.

Frédéric DESLIAS

Frédéric DESLIAS is a director, composer and Do It Yourself enthusiast. A digital artist, he writes for a theatre of the humanities. He was involved in the Transversal Teaching Unit "Immersive Environments" directed by Filippo Fabbri, whose members were invited to share several stages of the creation of the show.


Conception - direction - sound design: Frédéric Deslias
Writing and dramaturgy: Norbert Merjagnan
Designer: Charles Ayats
Digital device creation: Yann Rayon (Brother.System), Benjamin Kuperberg, Xavier Boissarie, Tomek Jacobin, Stéphane Cousot (Nodal.Studio)
Electronic interface and lighting: Jacques Boüault, Benjamin Kuperberg
Costumes: Dorota Kleszcz, assisted by Louise Watts and Marion Bresson Advice, resources and external view: Scène de recherche de l'ENS Paris-Saclay
Scientific council: Ecosystème des laboratoires de Paris-Saclay
Administration: Fanny Deffarges
Performer / dramaturgical collaboration: Jana KLEIN

Les Colons - Jana Klein, Agathe Cemin, Guillaume Hincky, Catherine Dufour, Sabrina Calvo, Léo Henry, Laurent Kloetzer, Chrystel Laporte-Roy, Norbert Merjagnan, Baptiste Febvre, Mary-Ellen Wessinger-Merjagnan, Eric Merjagnan, Clara Chabalier, Jérôme Thibault.
Les Natifs – Livna Schoukroun-Klein, Zoïa Cachot et les enfants du centre périscolaire de l’école du Moulon : Mohamed Bendami, Ange-Marie Ephraïm Banba, Mélyna Bonici Chambon, Célia Branco, Iris Dalançon, Mamou Diarrasouba, Lucie Dubois Perez, Ishaq El Berni, Rym Mejja, Sarah Sassi, Hidaya Talbi, Naïm Talbi, Serigne Fallou Touré, Frédéric Villanueava, Mariam Yoda.
Doli & Luna – Voix de synthèse

Production : Le Clair Obscur / Laboratoire Dystopique 2019-2021 dans le cadre du cycle #VOID
Co-productions and partners : Scène de recherche de l'ENS Paris-Saclay, CNC/DICREAM, DRAC Ile-de-France, DRAC de Normandie, Conseil Général du Calvados, Ville de Caen, Région Normandie, Fonds [SCAN] - Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, AADN (Arts et Cultures Numériques), Centre des Arts d’Enghien-les-Bains, Le Dôme, CASUS BELLI.

A big THANK YOU to the team of the extracurricular centre of the Moulon school (Gif-sur-Yvette) and to the children for their voices and their joy!