culture [at] (Scène de recherche)

Theatre: Bad girls!

Theatre: Mauvaises filles! Photo credits: Brio - Archives nationales de Paris
Photo credits: Brio - Archives nationales de Paris
Dive into the heart of the fifties with the play Mauvaises filles! Young and rebellious, they burn with a vital thirst for emancipation. Dancing all night long, roaming the city, living as they please, getting out of the box, away from families, the moral and sexual order. A true revolt for freedom.
Book your tickets for Wednesday 8, Thursday 9 or Friday 10 February at 7pm.
LUMEN (bibliothèque)
Ajouter à mon agenda 2025-03-31 13:08:11 2025-03-31 13:08:11 Theatre: Bad girls! Dive into the heart of the fifties with the play Mauvaises filles! Young and rebellious, they burn with a vital thirst for emancipation. Dancing all night long, roaming the city, living as they please, getting out of the box, away from families, the moral and sexual order. A true revolt for freedom.
Book your tickets for Wednesday 8, Thursday 9 or Friday 10 February at 7pm.
Scène de recherche ENS-PARIS-SACLAY Europe/Paris public

Wednesday 8 February at 7pm
Thursday 9 February at 7pm
Friday 10 February at 7pm

Duration: 1h30
L'Indicible Compagnie, Sonia Chiambretto, Sandrine Lanno
Prices: 20 € / 14 € / 10 € / 5 €

Réservation d'un spectacle


"Freedom to say no!
Young and rebellious, they burn with a vital thirst for emancipation. Dancing all night long, roaming the city, living as they want, getting out of the box, far from families, from the moral and sexual order. They went before the juvenile court and ended up in disciplinary institutions. In the 1950s, they were locked up in the Good Shepherd. In 2020, they were placed in a closed environment. Here, a screened room, a road, a sky and the mad freedom of these young girls. Sandrine Lanno composes a mosaic of portraits of authentic women seventy years apart, rebels of the fifties or rebels of today.
Sonia Chiambretto mixes fiction and documents to give a powerful and musical, theatrical and poetic language to these adolescent figures who oppose authority and resist injunctions.
Within the framework of the residency of the company "L'Indicible Compagnie" at the Scène de recherche de l'ENS Paris-Saclay, two collective interdisciplinary projects - At the crossroads of narratives, mixing theatrical and sociological writing, have nourished this creation.  This work was carried out with students from the ENS and CentraleSupélec, under the direction of sociologist Natacha Chetcuti-Osorovitz (permanent researcher).


  • Text: Sonia Chiambretto
  • Design and direction: Sandrine Lanno
  • with Lola Blanchard, Évelyne Didi, Paola Valentin and Bénédicte Villain (musician)
  • Artistic collaboration: Isabelle Mateu
  • Set design: Camille Rosa
  • Lighting design: Dominique Bruguière
  • Costume design: Nathalie Pallandre
  • Sound design: Cédric Colin and Bénédicte Villain
  • Lighting assistant and stage manager: Valentin Bodier
  • Production management: Fanélie Honegger


L’Indicible Compagnie / Coproduction Théâtre de Chelles, la Scène de recherche de l’ENS Paris-Saclay, Comédie de Béthune – Centre Dramatique National / Avec le soutien de la DRAC Compagnonnage d’auteur, le département de Seine-et-Marne, du Théâtre du Rond-Point (Paris), Les Passerelles (Pontault-Combault) / Avec la participation artistique du Jeune Théâtre National / L’Indicible Compagnie est soutenue par la région Ile-de-France au titre de la Permanence Artistique et Culturelle / Sonia Chiambretto est représentée par L’Arche, agence théâtrale. Spectacle créé le 10 janvier 2023 au Théâtre de Chelles.