Media and Information Literacy Diploma

Media and Information Literacy Diploma
ENS Paris-Saclay and the Ecole Supérieure de Journalisme (ESJ) in Lille offer the inter-university diploma "Media and Information Education" (EMI).

Presentation of the diploma

The worldwide dissemination of digital content on the Internet and social networks is now massive, instantaneous and continuous and no longer belongs exclusively to media and information professionals.

In this context, understanding and deciphering information and its production and dissemination mechanisms have become a democratic issue, and require skills that are essential for the exercise of informed citizenship.

The knowledge of these mechanisms implies an apprenticeship to which the "Media and Information Literacy" diploma common to ENS Paris-Saclay and ESJ Lille intends to contribute through a demanding and ambitious offer.


This diploma aims to train teachers in charge of teaching these subjects to the public, both schools and adults. It concerns the educational, associative, cultural and media sectors.

It aims to provide everyone with knowledge from social sciences, information and communication sciences, cognitive sciences, but also with tools that can be used in educational situations related to media education.


Training fees: 6,000 euros (excluding VAT)

Target audience

  • Journalists and media professionalsPrimar
  • y and secondary school teachers
  • Teachers in higher education
  • Librarians and media library staff
  • Educators (specialised, justice, early childhood...)
  • Cultural mediators, agents of local authorities
  • Coordinators of cultural projects and associations

It is intended for employees, job seekers and people looking for work, with a Master's degree or 3 years of professional experience.


Modules and teachers

The course is distance learning, with three grouping periods at ENS Paris-Saclay and ESJ Lille.

This formula will allow trainees to follow the training without interrupting their professional activities. At the end of the course, the trainees will receive a university diploma validated jointly by the two institutions.

The diploma includes 200 hours of training, plus a list of compulsory lectures given by ENS Paris-Saclay and ESJ Lille and two days of immersion in a professional environment: school and/or media.

  • 150 hours of core curriculum
  • 50 hours of "à la carte" modules, chosen by each trainee according to his/her profile

The core curriculum, composed of 10 modules, is built around 3 main areas

  • Fundamentals and journalistic practices
  • Understanding the processes of construction and deconstruction of information
  • Help in designing IME projects


Graduates will be able to use the skills acquired in EMI as

  • Journalist in residence
  • IME trainer within and outside the national education framework
  • IME project coordinator (local authorities, cultural institutions and associations, etc.)
  • Designer of IME modules and projects within and outside the national education framework
  • Mediator, EMI speaker in editorial offices

Short courses

En parallèle du DU, l'ESJ Lille et l'ENS Paris-Saclay proposent aussi des formations courtes en éducation aux médias et à l'information.

In parallel to the DU, ESJ Lille and ENS Paris-Saclay also offer short courses in media and information literacy.

The teaching modules are accessible via the ESJ Lille distance learning platform.
The trainees follow the training without interrupting their professional activities thanks to the flexibility of distance learning.