Averroes, a double-degree programme of excellence in health

The aim is to train future researchers in biomedical innovation and health policy by combining research training with medical or pharmaceutical training at the highest possible level. Some of the future careers in medicine or healthcare will require a very high level of multidisciplinary culture and skills: doctors or pharmacists who are also computer scientists, political scientists, architects or engineers; physicists, lawyers and economists who will also be doctors or pharmacists.
Audiences concerned
The Averroes programme is aimed at inquisitive, inventive and enterprising students with research and innovation potential, motivated by a highly demanding cross-disciplinary education.
It is based on existing courses offered by the University of Paris-Saclay and its component institutions, AgroParisTech, CentraleSupélec, ENS Paris-Saclay, Institut d'Optique, the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, the University of Evry and their partners.
On the programme
In parallel with the academic courses in which each student will have begun his or her higher education training, the Averroes programme consists of complementary training courses
complementary training in another subject different from the first (compulsory medicine or pharmacy for students who have begun their training outside health).
The curriculum will be adapted to suit the student's needs and will include training in research and research-based learning from a multidisciplinary perspective, in innovation and through innovation. Completion of the programme will lead to the submission of a thesis after entry to the Master's programme.
- biomedical, biotechnological and biopharmaceutical research and development,
- health policy and management, in a public, national or international context (teaching and/or research, university hospitals, senior health administration) or in a private context towards the creation of biotechnology companies or towards the health industries (drugs, diagnostics or insurance), particularly around the development of biotechnology applied to health, industrial property, financing and management of innovation in the health field.
Candidates are invited to submit their applications no later than 5 June 2024 to Seidina Athie
The application must include:
- a curriculum vitae
- a covering letter
- academic transcripts for the last four years
The interview of the selected candidates will take place on 20 June 2024. Details of the interview will be given in the invitation sent to each candidate.
Before joining this programme, students will have to complete a preparatory cycle for medical or pharmacy students to bring them up to speed in their chosen non-health discipline(s); for non-health students to bring them up to speed in preclinical and clinical disciplines.
- Students will be selected on the basis of a portfolio and an interview.
- At the end of the preparatory cycle, students will be selected to join the Averroes programme.
- A contract will be signed with each of them, enabling them to receive a grant and environmental funding for their international mobility.
- Each student's programme will be tailored to his or her individual needs.
- Each student will be given personalised support by a mentor and a pairing of a teacher-researcher in health and a teacher-researcher outside health.
- The international dimension will be strongly encouraged, with the possibility of teaching in a foreign language and one or more international exchanges, particularly as part of the European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH).
- International theses may be carried out under joint supervision with a foreign partner university.