First registration

Follow all steps

IMPORTANT: read carefully and follow all steps before going through your registration and then click on the link « proceed to registration on Coriandre ».

Clarify your status

Once you have received the confirmation by e-mail of your admission, you can then continue to your first registration. However, it is necessary to clarify your status before registering.

  • Erasmus programme or international exchange students: European and international students accepted under the Erasmus programme or as international exchange students;
  • Foreign Normaliens: foreign Normalien students admitted to the degree course at ENS Paris-Saclay via competitive exam.

It is possible to register at ENS Paris-Saclay once your status has been clarified along with education and level of attainment with the selected teaching department or laboratory.

Step 1. Request your visa for France

  • For students from the "Études en France" (Studying in France) process: once you have been awarded admission to ENS Paris-Saclay or Université Paris-Saclay, create your account on the Études en France website by completing your online file under the tab "I have been accepted".
  • For other applicants: go straight to the official visa website for France to find out what supporting documents are required, then make an appointment to submit your request at the nearest French Embassy or Consulate.

Step 2. Obtaining your CVEC certificate

Before beginning the administrative registration process, all students must obtain their certificate of confirmation of payment of or exemption from the Contribution to Student and Campus Life (CVEC). This Contribution funds preventative medicine and appointments with the psychologist, setting up a social assistance fund and student community projects.

International students without National Student ID number (INE) must tick "I do not have an INE" and provide either a registration document for French higher education for the current year if they are already in France, or a supporting document for the coming year or a French internship certificate.
The offer of temporary lodging in university accommodation sent to you by CROUS is accepted as supporting documentation.

The following are exempted from CVEC: people receiving grants from the French government on a social basis, international exchange students and Erasmus students, students of further education, students with refugee status, students eligible for subsidiary protection, and students registered as asylum seekers with the right to remain in the country.
If you become eligible for exemption from the contribution during the university year, you can obtain a refund from CROUS of the contribution you have already paid.

Step 3. Collect all the documents to be attached

General mandatory documents

  • Proof of identity (visa or residence permit)
  • Passport
  • Last three statements of academic results
  • All degrees and certificates attained: originals and if in languages other than French or English, certified translation of the last foreign degree or certificate
  • Contribution to Student and Campus Life (CVEC) certificate
  • Personal civil liability certificate for the current year

Appendix documents

  • Proof of exemption from registration fees for students from outside the EU who benefit from an exemption by the French government or an embassy
  • Proof of grants/bursaries (embassy or other entities)

Step 4. Registration

Technical advice

  • Use the Mozilla Firefoxweb browser.
  • Use the login that you have received from the School (on file) or from Université Paris-Saclay (Masters).
  • Allow 20 minutes to complete your registration.
  • Complete your registration during the opening hours from 7am to 9:59 pm.
  • Get all of your supporting documentation ready before registering.

Step 5. Pay your registration fees

Once ENS Paris Saclay has validated your registration file and has set the level of your registration fee, payment can be made:

  • online: log on to the Paybox platform to pay the whole amount or in three instalments
  • on site: please go to the Academic and Student Life Directorate (DSVE), East Building, 1st Floor, Room 1B79 before going to pay by cheque or bank card to the Accounts Department, East Building, 2nd Floor, Room 2A73, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

You are not registered until the registration fees have been paid and checked.

Paying in three instalments

  • The first debit is made when you register, then on the 15th of the month following the first payment (there will be a minimum period of 20 days between payments).
  • If a direct debit is rejected, the direct debits will be halted and you will have to go to the Accounts Department to pay the remaining amount in full.

If registration fees are not paid

  • There can be a withdrawal or revocation of administrative registration within a set time limit.
  • Students who have not completed their registration before 31 October will be given formal notice, and the President may decide that they are to be referred to the Disciplinary Council.

Step 6. Download your certificate of attendance

Once you are done with your payment, you will receive an email stating the next step to follow for the edition of your certificate of attendance.

Be careful, only the link sent in the email allows you to access to the document.

Step 7. Getting your academic certificate

Once you have completed your online registration, you can collect a digital version of your academic certificate using the Horizon app (available on your intranet ); you will receive an automated e-mail to log in.

Step 8. Obtaining your student card

In September, once you have paid your registration fees, you will be able to obtain your student card or the 2022-2023 sticker to stick on your student card from DSVE (East building, 1st floor, office 1B79).

Step 9. Checking your teaching contract

Course registration (selection of classes and course group) is done after the administrative registration by each teaching department before 15 November.

  • This course registration governs “élève” and student registration for examinations and the awarding of degrees.
  • You will be given an individual teaching contract. Please check it before signing.