French-German cooperation on Artificial Intelligence
The French-German Summerschool on AI with industry take place on 3 days under the lead of the SIEMENS AI Lab.
It is organized by
- Dr. Ulli Waltinger, Benno Blumoser - Siemens AI Lab
- Prof. Mathilde Mougeot, Dr. Argyris Kalogeratos, Dr. Charles Truong, Vu Nguyen- ENS Paris Saclay et l'École Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique pour l'Industrie et l'Entreprise (ENSIIE)
- Prof. Harald Kosch, Axelle Cheney, Bianca Meier - Universität Passau
Finally after Japan in 2019 and a more concise edition in 2020, t he French-German Summerschool have this year Austrian players as special external guests.
Franco-german cooperation in artificial intelligence
Beside scientific keynote speeches and dialogues among industry and academia, the summerschool strongly support exchanges among French and German math and informatics PhD students
Variety of topics
We will focus on a variety of topics high on our French and German scientific agendas:
- rustworthiness of AI,
- quantum computing,
- natural language processing,
- reinforcement learning,
- the use of AI and data science in small and middle-size companies, etc.
Interactive hack and collab sessions for master students
Beside scientific keynote speeches and dialogues among industry and academia, the summerschool strongly support exchanges among French and German math and informatics PhD students.
It propose two specific interactive hack and collab sessions for Master students– one organised by Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris Saclay and one by the SIEMENS AI Lab.
Please do not wait to register and do not hesitate to inform your colleagues and forward this invitation to anyone interested!