2022/2023 Diploma Conferences

They offer an opening to societal, teaching and research issues.
They are part of the common base of scientific knowledge and can be validated as an activity for the ENS Paris-Saclay diploma.
The conferences of the 2022/2023 cycle are organized around 3 themes
- Pedagogy and didactics: learning to learn, learning to transmit, learning to see
- The climate: crossed views on contemporary climate issues
- Culture in heritage: Making heritage speak in its diversity
Pedagogy and didactics
Learning to learn, learning to transmit, learning to see
Evidence-based education
October 20th, 2022
With Franck RAMUS, CNRS Research Director at the Laboratory of Cognitive Science and Psycholinguistics
Moderator: Alain Finkel
Do we teach all sciences in the same way? Didactic insights.
December 6th, 2022
With Aude CAUSSARIEU, tutor
Moderator: Jonathan Piard
The great sharing of the enchantment
Date to be defined
With Estelle ZONG MENGUAL, art historian and holder of the chair "Habiter le paysage" at the Beaux-Arts de Paris.
Moderator: Ulysse Baratin
The climate: crossed views on contemporary climate issues
Critical zone / planetarity
October 11th, 2022
With Bruno LATOUR, professor emeritus of sociology at the Medialab of Sciences Po Paris and Frédérique AÏT-TOUATI, CNRS researcher at the EHESS.
Moderator: Ulysse Baratin
Antarctica 2.0°C, a Normalian commitment
November 10th, 2022
With Baptiste ARNAUD and Niels DUTRIEVOZ, students of ENS Paris-Saclay in microbiology and climate physics
Moderator: Caroline De Sa
Le financement de la transition climatique
9 février 2023
With Benoit LEGUET, member of the High Council for the Climate and Director General of the Institute of Economics for the Climate.
Moderator: Olivier Bos
Culture en héritage : faire parler le patrimoine dans sa diversité
The heritage of "minor archives"
Tuesday, January 10th, 2023
With Philippe ARTIÈRES, Director of Research at the CNRS in history at the EHESS
Moderator: Loïc Bertrand
The materiality of memory sites
Date to be defined
With Emmanuel KREIKE, Professor of History at Princeton University and Jean d'Alembert Chair in Heritage, Cultures and Knowledge at the IEA
Moderator: Baptiste Coulmont
Faire parler les murs : la restitution de la villa Diomède à Pompei
February 1st, 2023
With Hélène DESSALES, lecturer in archaeology at the ENS Paris
Moderator: Loïc Bertrand