Press releases

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The Medicine project led by ENS Cachan, which is behind the startup EikoSim, has been selected to receive an investment from SATT Paris-Saclay.

The Paris-Saclay technology transfer company (SATT) is to support the start-up EikoSim, which is developing breakthrough technology that combines digital simulation and mechanical testing. The software solution results from resear...

ENS Cachan wins the 2015 Bim d'Or for its future building at Paris-Saclay

The awards for the best uses of BIM were announced on Wednesday, 16 September. Renzo Piano's project for ENS Cachan at Paris-Saclay won the BIM d'Or at this second edition of the awards.

A diploma in biomedical science at ENS Cachan with the Institut de formation supérieure biomédicale at the Paris-Sud Faculty of Medicine

Ecole Normal Supérieure de Cachan has joined forces with Université Paris-Sud, through the Paris-Sud Faculty of Medicine's Institute for Advanced Biomedical Training (Institut de formation supérieure biomédicale, or IFSBM), to off...

Gaëlle Péneau Architectes Associés (GPAA) to redevelop the Aimé Cotton Laboratory

The Aimé Cotton Laboratory, a Université Paris-Sud–CNRS–ENS Cachan joint research unit, is to be renovated and expanded as part of the Campus Plan. The consortium led by Gaëlle Péneau Architectes Associés (GPAA)1 has been selected...

New Entrance Exam for ENS Cachan's Design Department

At the end of a two-day workshop organized by ENS Cachan entitled "Design research, a challenge for Paris-Saclay", Pierre-Paul Zalio, President of ENS Cachan, announced the establishment of a new entrance exam for the Design Depar...

New Université Paris-Saclay university group

The decree establishing the "Université Paris-Saclay" university group was published in the Journal Officiel on 31 December 2014. This formalizes the foundation of Université Paris-Saclay, a coalition of higher education and resea...