Farman Institute
The Farman Institute federates and coordinates the work of five ENS Paris-Saclay research laboratories (CMLA, LMT, LSV, LURPA and SATIE) in the field of complex systems modelling, simulation and validation.
Fédération de Recherche CNRS, FR3311
Director: Laurent.FRIBOURG [at] lsv.ens-paris-saclay.fr (Laurent FRIBOURG)
A steering committee is responsible for research strategy and policies.
It meets once every two months on average and includes:
- the director of the institute, Laurent Fribourg
- the deputy director for scientific coordination, Eric Vourc'h
- the directors of the laboratories (or a representative): N. Vayatis (CMLA), F. Ragueneau (LMT), L. Fribourg (LSV), C. Tournier (LURPA) and P. Larzabal (SATIE).
The mission of the Farman Institute is to foster interdisciplinary research related to complex systems through research projects of limited duration (one to two years), involving several of the institute's laboratories.
The primary themes addressed are at the intersection of science and technology related to complex systems, and include:
- the treatment of physical, software or hybrid systems,
- their mathematical modelling
- their validation
- their control and optimization.