Registry and Student Affairs
The Registry and Student Affairs Division contributes to the development, implementation and monitoring of ENS Paris-Saclay's strategic directions with regard to student administration, academic progress and student life.
Its missions focus on:
- administrative and financial management of trainee civil servants (élèves fonctionnaires stagiaires), from their entry into the institution until the end of their ten-year commitment;
- academic administration of normaliens and students (monitoring of course choices, establishment of agreements);
- student extracurricular activities, including clubs and sports;
- campus life.
It follows up on regulatory provisions in its area of responsibility and supports the activities of the Student Life Committee (CVE), for which it acts as secretariat.
Registry and Student Affairs is a division of Professional Services.
Its services provide support to the vice president for education.
Registry and Student Affairs carries out its functions in constant interaction with the academic departments and students.
Registry and Student Affairs is led by a head of division and comprises three services.
- Student administration and finance
- Academic administration
- Student life and sports