Ennio Arimondo
2013 Honorary Doctor
Ennio Arimondo manages a very active group at the forefront of research in quantum physics (University of Pisa).
His career is marked by many original results in atomic and molecular physics, but also in condensed matter physics and nonlinear physics.
We can mention the developments of novel spectroscopic methods, his pioneering work on chaos in laser systems or the diffraction of matter waves by light.
His most significant contribution is undoubtedly the concept, proposed at the beginning of his career, of coherent population trapping through two coupled atomic transitions. This very subtle mechanism in quantum physics allowed him to interpret the "dark resonances" observed in what became a textbook experiment of atomic physics.
The concept of dark resonances is involved in many quantum effects which are explored today and is now used to provide the reference frequency in atomic clocks.
Prof. Ennio Arimondo has collaborated with many prestigious teams worldwide. He is the author of numerous publications which reveal his imagination, originality, and scientific culture.