Tina NIKOUKHAH is a researcher at the Centre Borelli at ENS Paris-Saclay.
After a preparatory class in maths and physics at the Lycée Janson de Sailly in Paris, she took a Master of Science in industrial and applied mathematics (Grenoble-Alpes University) and, in 2014, obtained an engineering degree in computer science and applied mathematics from Ensimag (Grenoble-INP).
She did her doctorate in applied mathematics at ENS Paris-Saclay (Borelli centre).
She also worked as a science educator at the Maison d'Initiation et de Sensibilisation aux Sciences (MISS) in Orsay.
In 2022, she was appointed researcher at the Borelli Centre at ENS Paris-Saclay and teaches at ENS Paris-Saclay and ESJ Lille.
Awards and distinctions
2022: L'Oréal-UNESCO Foundation Young Talent Award for Women in Science, in partnership with the French Academy of Sciences.
Research areas
She is working on algorithms that can tell whether an image has been falsified or not.
Sciences en Une(s)