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Living environment: ENS Paris-Saclay design wins a Fimbacte Trophy

Future garden ENS Paris-Saclay
Renzo Piano Building Workshop's architectural design for the future ENS Paris-Saclay buildings has received the Fimbacte Festival Grand Prix in the project category.

The Fimbacte awards aim to promote future facilities and innovations that contribute to the well-being of the community.

Immersion and urban environment

The School's design project, winner of the Grand Prix, focuses on providing a quality living environment for its future users:

  • a building structured around a cloistered garden in the centre of the development,
  • within the future Université Paris-Saclay (links with the other institutions),
  • within the city (studying, working, living, participating in the city).

Located in the heart of the mixed development area of Moulon, on a plot of about three hectares, the future ENS Paris-Saclay building will be articulated around a large inner garden, creating the ideal setting for reflection.

Garden with a variety of ambiances

The garden’s shape and structure interconnect closely with the building and the activities it houses. Squares, courtyards and clearings correspond to the School's everyday functions and special events:

  • The events hall opens onto a courtyard for festivities
  • The Learning Centre and Kfet Kokarde are next to calm, open glades
  • At the Crous restaurant are areas where it will be possible to eat outside
  • At the main entrance and Theater, an imposing square and an open glade will allow shows to extend into the garden.

The abundant presence of plant species plays a very important part in making users feel at home and creating a pleasant microclimate.

The landscaping design responds to this ambience-focused strategy with carefully structured landscape scenes, pleasant leafy vistas and many-coloured species, combined with a constant concern for environmental considerations.

It fits perfectly with the School's dynamics, this decisive and important move and a notion of diversity that characterizes ENS Paris-Saclay and the education it offers: forward-looking research, teaching, learning and discovery.

Living Environment trophy

The design project, prepared in partnership with the project manager, Jean-Bernard Mothes (architect RPBW) and Charlotte Breuille (communication), landscaper Après la pluie, Anne-Sophie Verriest, and the client and future occupant of the building, Hélène Gobert (ENS Paris- Saclay project director), was submitted in July and presented to a jury on 3 October.

The prize list was announced at the 22nd Cadre de Vie Awards on Tuesday, October 10, 2017, at the Cité de l'architecture et du patrimoine. This competition showcases innovation and dynamism in urban planning, development, architecture and construction, and helps new trends emerge that will contribute to future innovations in the sector.