Lucie Barbier, winner of the Jeunes Talents France #ForWomenInScience 2024 award

The stakes of his research: a better understanding of the origins of infertility
After graduating from ENS Paris-Saclay, Lucie pursued a PhD in life and health sciences at Université Paris-Saclay. She specializes in the study of mechanisms linked to infertility. Her research focuses on the links between the mechanical properties of eggs and their quality, with the aim of developing new diagnostic methods for medically assisted reproduction. Indeed, the rate of poor-quality eggs increases with maternal age, leading to more frequent recourse to fertility preservation or assisted reproduction techniques. However, these techniques have a relatively low success rate, as the cellular mechanisms responsible for the age-related decline in egg quality remain poorly understood, making it difficult to provide personalized care for patients suffering from infertility.
Women in science
In addition to her research activities, Lucie is interested in gender equality issues in the scientific field. She advocates greater representation of women in management positions, believing that the organization of research, still largely based on structures historically reserved for men, could evolve to better take into account the diversity of backgrounds and experiences.
L'Oréal-UNESCO Young Talent Award
For over 15 years, the L'Oréal-UNESCO Young Talent Award for Women in Science has been rewarding brilliant doctoral and post-doctoral students at a pivotal moment in their careers. The aim of this award is to remove obstacles to the inclusion of women in scientific careers, an objective that Lucie fully embodies through her exemplary career path. Lucie embodies this new generation of scientists who aspire not only to meet the challenges facing our society, but also to transform mentalities in the world of research.