Signature of a reinforced cooperation with Safran

The Laboratoire de mécanique Paris-Saclay (LMPS), a joint research unit of ENS Paris-Saclay, CentraleSupélec and the CNRS, has a long history of research collaboration with the teams of Safran Aircraft Engines and SafranTech, subsidiaries of the Safran group specialising in the design, manufacture, marketing and maintenance of all forms of "aeronautical propulsion systems".
As far as the LMPS is concerned, its core expertise concerns experimentation, modelling and simulation in the mechanics of materials and structures through experimental mechanics, damage, instabilities and failure, optimisation of materials, the structure/property link, mechanical behaviour and its coupling, simulation and structures, and the development of high-performance models and numerical methods.

From left to right: Romain Soubeyran (Director of CentraleSupélec), Alain Foucaran (scientific delegate for development and partnerships at INSIS - CNRS), Vincent Garnier (Director of SafranTech), Jérome Bonini (Director of R&T at Safran Aircraft Engines), Nathalie Carrasco (President of ENS Paris-Saclay), Benoît Forêt (regional delegate for CNRS Ile-de-France Gif-sur-Yvette).
Creation of the CRPG group MECAPERF
Concerted Research Programming Group: Numerical and experimental mechanics applied to aeronautical propulsion
In the continuity of their cooperation, the LMPS, Safran Aircraft Engines and SafranTech have decided to create a concerted research programming group (GPRC) on the theme of "Numerical and experimental mechanics at the service of the performance of aeronautical engines and structures".
This programming group, entitled GPRC MECAPERF, will enable the stakeholders to identify and propose projects together to provide appropriate responses to the needs and challenges of research and development in the field of digital and experimental mechanics applied to aeronautical propulsion.
The group's research areas
With regard to advanced materials and processes, the research areas of the MECAPERF CRPG will focus on
- safe additive manufacturing for materials in extreme conditions,
- new generation functionalized ultra-resistant composites based on hybrid fibres,
- materials for very high temperatures,
- discriminating experimentation on materials and structures based on state-of-the-art platforms in multi-physics metrology.
Numerical mechanics
In the area of numerical mechanics, the MECAPERF CRPG will conduct research on the augmented simulation-experimentation interface, multi-physics high-fidelity simulation, model reduction and decision support, optimisation and multi-physics design, agile design tools, qualification, validation and big-data procedures, as well as digital twins for materials and structures.
The MECAPERF CRPG traces, for the partners, a shared scientific roadmap in the field of numerical and experimental mechanics applied to aeronautical engines and structures.
The programming group will also allow the opening of joint research programmes to third parties to enable them to contribute to the development of research and scientific knowledge in the field of numerical and experimental mechanics applied to the aeronautical engine and structure sector for the coming years.