The Science Festival of Paris-Saclay

Science Festival of Paris-Saclay
The Village des Sciences will welcome you from October 7 to 9 in the Germaine Tillion Atrium of ENS Paris-Saclay. You will be able to discover with more than 70 stands the exceptional diversity of the research activities carried out by the laboratories of Paris-Saclay.
These stands will offer a varied choice of fun and educational activities in a wide range of scientific disciplines: biology, chemistry, energy, environment, genetics, artificial intelligence, physics, engineering sciences, etc.
About thirty thematic mini-conferences accessible to the public will also be offered throughout the program.
Program of the week-end
The day of October 7 is reserved for schoolchildren on registration (FULL).
The schedules will be as follows:
- Friday : 9h30-17h
- Saturday : 2pm-6pm
- Sunday: 11am-6pm
ENS Paris-Saclay offers you ...
On this occasion, all of our teaching and research departments and laboratories are mobilizing to help you discover research at ENS Paris-Saclay.
Come and meet our researchers, our teachers-researchers, our PhD students and our students at the following activities :
Forensics: chemistry leads the investigation
Luminescence, the undisputed tool of forensics, allowing the detection of fluorescence in blood, on fake documents, but it is not the only tool. Wouldn't you be interested in establishing the proof of a crime and identifying its author?
Saturday October 8, Sunday October 9
A luminous chemistry
This workshop will be devoted to the explanation of the phenomena involved when materials or solutions generate light or change color through a chemical reaction or UV (ultraviolet) irradiation. You will learn all about bracelets, stars or toys that light up in the dark, T-shirts that turn blue in the presence of black light, the detection of fingerprints or blood using light, LEDs or fireflies. Research applications of the phenomena involved will also be discussed.
Friday October 7, Saturday October 8
Forensics: come and investigate!
Participants will be immersed in a forensic scenario.
Using the clues collected at the crime scene, they will have to perform several small chemistry and biology experiments in order to find the culprit. For each mini-experiment, the principle will be explained, then the experiment will be implemented and interpreted by the participants.
Friday October 7, Saturday October 8, Sunday October 9
Climate change
Popularized explanation and awareness of the key physical and chemical concepts of climate change. Each concept is illustrated by a small experiment that can be easily reproduced at home.
Friday October 7, Saturday October 8
Comfort and Bioclimatism
What are the parameters of comfort? How are the thermal exchanges in a building made? How are bioclimatic architecture principles implemented in the ENS buildings? These are some of the questions we will answer in this workshop through experiments, presentations, and a visit of the ENS Paris-Saclay buildings.
Friday October 7, Saturday October 8
Introduction to robotics
This workshop aims to show how humans pilot and use robots to perform actions, especially in the industrial field. The programming of simple movements will first be proposed, then the use of artificial intelligence to bypass possible obstacles will be explained and illustrated.
Friday October 7, Saturday October 8, Sunday October 9
Engineering for an eco-village
Come and participate with us in the creation of an eco-village model!
To do this, we will help you discover, through small workshops, the contributions of women and men engineers who participate in the world around you. Energy, transport, housing, telecommunications... we will tell you about all these discoveries of yesterday so that you can, later, invent the discoveries of tomorrow!
Saturday October 8 - Sunday October 9
It vibrates!
This workshop proposes, through simple experiments, to apprehend the concepts of vibration of structures. You will understand how a structure (car, plane, building, ...) can vibrate, why two structures of similar appearance do not vibrate in the same way, or how to measure and observe these vibrations? Research applications will also be presented.
Friday October 7 - Saturday October 8 - Sunday October 9
At the heart of the wave
The oceans are an untamed force of nature. In the context of global warming, it is important to learn about the oceans and how to prevent the damage they can cause on the coast. In this workshop we propose to understand the formation of waves and to show how to predict their characteristics. Numerical simulations of wave breaking will illustrate the contribution of recent numerical tools in the field and how they allow to better understand and apprehend these phenomena as fascinating as mysterious.
Friday October 7 - Saturday October 8 - Sunday October 9
Can we believe what we see?
Falsified images and videos will be shown on screen and the manufacturing processes of these false contents will be explained to alert us to what is possible. Explain that digital images and videos have a "life" which is a sequence of mathematical operations. From paper sheets and envelopes, the public will be able to create an algorithm able to detect falsifications in an image.
Friday October 7 - Saturday October 8 - Sunday October 9
Autonomous cars
A race between radio-controlled cars (with direct vision of the circuit or just what the sensors return) and autonomous cars leads the public to think about the problems of autonomous cars (sensors, actuators, interpretation of images, learning to drive). For an adult audience, we can present aspects of image processing, reinforcement learning, neural networks, explainability of the operation by illustrating processing on scenes recorded by the cameras of the cars.
Friday October 7 - Saturday October 8 - Sunday October 9
Electromagnetism: playful physics with magnets and electric currents
Electromagnetism is a branch of physics and engineering that has literally shaped the world today, since almost nothing works without electromagnetic energy conversion. The phenomena generated by currents or magnets remain for many mysterious and counter-intuitive and are subject to many fanciful interpretations. However, everything is said in four equations...
Friday October 7 - Saturday October 8 - Sunday October 9
The musical instrument: from physics to emotion
This workshop, using a simple stringed instrument, allows us to understand music from physics, to mechanical-electrical conversion, to signal processing, but also to understand why we feel emotions when we listen to sounds.
Friday October 7 - Saturday October 8 - Sunday October 9
The physics of waves and matter and its interfaces
Experiments and posters will allow to discover the spectacular and funny phenomena linked to the wave nature of light (interference, diffraction, filtered imaging) to end up with the links with different research activities of the laboratory Light, Matter and Interface ( LuMIn ).
Friday October 7 - Saturday October 8 - Sunday October 9
Physics and chemistry demonstrations
Color changes, creation of light, modification of matter, chemistry and physics can amaze you! Come to this demonstration of amazing experiments to understand important phenomena of physics and chemistry!
Saturday, October 8 - Sunday, October 9