catherine.nizery [at] (Catherine NIZERY)

Thesis defense: Said BENSEBAA

Crédits photo : Jérôme Foubert
Said BENSEBAA, PhD student at SATIE, is defending his thesis entitled "Étude de la Fiabilité des convertisseurs d'électronique de puissance intégrés dans un circuit imprimé PCB" (Study of the Reliability of Power Electronics Converters Integrated in a Printed Circuit Board) on Thursday, December 1, 2022 at 10:30 a.m. in the Simondon amphitheatre at ENS Paris-Saclay.
Soutenance de thèse et HDR
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Place: ENS Paris-Saclay
4 Avenue des Sciences, 91190 Gif sur Yvette
Room 1B36* - Amphithéâtre Simondon
See the Mapp.

Title of the thesis : Study of the Reliability of Power Converters Integrated in a PCB

Key words: Module de puissance,cyclage thermique actif/passif,Intégration PCB,Mesure de la température de jonction,Caractérisation matériaux,Banc de vieillissement, Power module,Power/thermal cycling,PCB integration,Junction temperature measurement,Material characterization,aging test bench,

Supervision of the thesis

  • Thesis Director: Mounira BERKANI
  • Co-supervisor: Stephane LEFEBVRE
  • Co-supervisor: Mickael PETIT


This thesis follows several work undertaken within the EPI group on PCB integration of power converters. This theme is strategic and a priority for the laboratory. Numerous technological solutions have been proposed, but to date no reliability study has been published. Through this work we want to initiate this theme within the group and to differentiate ourselves, at the international level, by a design approach integrating the reliability of these integrated converters. This work will be inspired by the results of the HIT-TEMS project in which the SATIE laboratory has developed a chip assembly methodology buried in the PCB.

The student will be able to carry out this work by following the following main steps:

  • Step 1: Bibliographic studies - Acquisition of the problem and the context of the application
  • Step 2: Realization of prototypes (assembly, sensor, ...) - Experimental tests (Accelerated aging, failure analysis, ...)
  • Step 3: EF numerical simulation and estimation of thermomechanical stresses - Confrontation with experimental tests
  • Step 4: Validation and verification of results - Writing of the thesis manuscript

Jury composition

  • Mr Yvan AVENAS, rapporteur, Senior Lecturer, Grenoble INP.
  • Mr CYRIL BUTTAY, rapporteur, Research Director, CNRS.
  • Mrs. Hélène FREMONT, examiner, University Professor, University of Bordeaux.
  • Mr Nicolas SCHMITT, examiner, University Professor, University of Paris Est-Créteil.
  • Mrs. Mounira BOUARROUDJ, thesis director, HDR lecturer, University of Paris Est Créteil.
  • Mr Stephane LEFEBVRE, co-supervisor, University Professor, CNAM-PARIS.
  • Mr. Mickael PETIT, co-supervisor, Senior Lecturer, CNAM-PARIS.