james.auger [at] (James Auger)

TRANSITIONS, exhibition of design research master's degrees

TRANSITIONS, exhibition of design research master's degrees - Graphic design: Céline Chip, assisted by Pome Saint-Bonnet
We look at the world not as it is, but as it could be. Drawing on design, we imagine different worlds through critical and forward-looking creations aimed at transforming our habits.
Discover the diploma projects of design research masters students and two doctoral students from 31 May 2024 to 28 June 2024, at Le Plateau (formerly the library), East Building - Ground Floor.
Event - Open day
Ajouter à mon agenda 2024-06-20 10:33:56 2024-06-20 10:33:56 TRANSITIONS, exhibition of design research master's degrees We look at the world not as it is, but as it could be. Drawing on design, we imagine different worlds through critical and forward-looking creations aimed at transforming our habits.
Discover the diploma projects of design research masters students and two doctoral students from 31 May 2024 to 28 June 2024, at Le Plateau (formerly the library), East Building - Ground Floor.
Plateau (ex bibliothèque) Bât Est - RdCh ENS-PARIS-SACLAY Europe/Paris public


From 31 May 2024 to 28 June 2024
Opening on Thursday 30 May 2024
Public examinations on 13 and 14 June 2024
Plateau - ENS Paris-Saclay
Open to the general public, no registration required
Coming to ENS Paris-Saclay

Fiction helps people realise that there are other ways of doing things and other ways of being. That there is not just one civilisation, that it is not necessarily the best, that it does not necessarily determine us.

Design projects

We look at the world not as it is, but as it could be. Drawing on design, we imagine different worlds through critical and forward-looking creations aimed at transforming our habits.

The design project questions the systems from which objects emerge, beyond the design of artefacts: resources, production, distribution, marketing and economics. The aim is to understand how these systems influence, inform or limit design.

We encourage research that questions the norms and roles of industrial design. To do this we develop projects that explore local, situated and participatory solutions; projects that propose alternative roles for design in the context of scientific research; projects that combine simple technologies with high technologies.
Our teaching approach combines theory and practice: history, philosophy, culture and design techniques are at the heart of the Master's courses.


James Auger, Céline Chip, Lorène Picard, Émile de Visscher

Student exhibitors

  • Masters: Clarisse Barbot, Holly Bartley, Shikhar Bhardwaj, Marie Charrier, Sibylle Chazal, Yvan Cotten-Sapa, Ludivine Dargaud, Louison Filippi, Lucie Gigan, Louise Grebel, Judith Lorne, Elliott Pozza, Benoit Quéron, Santa Ramaherison, Clara Soleilhavoup, Emma Trorial
  • PhD students: Valentin Graillat, Julia Reitzer

Graphisme : Céline Chip, assistée de Pome Saint-Bonnet