Mechanical Engineering Department
The Department of Mechanical Engineering is firmly grounded in the field of engineering science. Our students study both fundamental scientific concepts and their applications to an advanced level.
The department also conducts research in partnership with two laboratories: the Laboratory of Mechanics and Technology (LMT) and the Automated Production Research Laboratory (LURPA).
- Department of Mechanical Engineering (DGM)
- the Laboratory of Mechanics and Technology (LMT)
- The Automated Production Research Laboratory (LURPA)
- Directeur : Francois.LOUF [at] lmt.ens-cachan.fr (François LOUF)
- Directeur adjoint en charge des services : EMMANUEL.HERRMANN [at] ens-cachan.fr (Emmanuel HERRMANN)
- Directeur adjoint en charge des techniciens : Bruce.ANGLADE [at] ens-cachan.fr (Bruce ANGLADE)
In first year, in collaboration with the Civil Engineering and EEA departments, the department offers a core scientific curriculum in Applied Science for Engineering: Saphire. This year prepares students for Master's level study.
In second year, students begin the master's programme (M1) in Structural Engineering and Materials or Computer-Aided Production Engineering run jointly by ENS Paris-Saclay and UPMC.
In third year, normalien students undertake the Master of Higher Education Teaching to prepare them for teaching and scientific communication in academic or industrial settings. In fourth year, students who already hold a master's degree usually begin a Ph.D, while those who hold the agrégation can either complete their master's (M2) or do an internship in industry.
During the SAPHIRE programme in their first year, students are received by the two associated laboratories (LMT and LURPA) to discover the world of research through visits, encounters and round table discussions with researchers.