Human and Social Sciences (SHS) Department
The Department of Teaching and Research (DER) of Human and Social Sciences (SHS) offers advanced academic programmes for students intending to pursue careers in basic or applied research, higher education (including preparatory classes for grandes écoles), or in the civil service, local authorities, or private sector.
- Institutions and Historical Dynamics of Economics and Society (IDHES)
- The Institute for social Sciences of Poliitics (ISP)
- ENS Paris-Saclay Economics Centre (CEPS)
- Director: virginie.albe [at] (Virgine ALBE)title="Virginie Albe"
Degree programmes
The ENS Paris-Saclay Social Sciences Department offers students a research-led education in three disciplines – economics, sociology and history – which universities commonly dissociate.
The study path for normalien students in the Social Sciences Department consists of three stages:
- an undergraduate year (dual bachelor's programme),
- a two-year research master's programme,
- one year devoted to complementary courses, preparation for public sector competitive examinations (agrégation, civil service recruitment), internships or study abroad.
The social sciences research cluster at ENS Paris-Saclay is based on cooperation between various disciplines and on international comparative perspectives.