
Learning objectives
The courses offered by the department allow students to combine a comprehensive view of design with diverse and specialized programmes.
- the agrégation in applied arts or Master of Higher Education Teaching and the M2 Design, run solely by ENS Cachan
- courses for the DSAA held at the design schools to which our ENS Cachan design students normally also applied in view of completing a two-year programme
Master 1
M1 - Design research
Master 1 - Recherche en design
- Programme delivered in English and French.
- Consult the detailed M1 Design programme
Eligible public - Secured course
- Be registered as a student at ENS Paris-Saclay
- Student of foreign nationality (excluding nationals of the European Economic Area, Andorra, Switzerland or Monaco) whose country of residence is Student enrolled in the Recherche en design Master 1 in 2022-2023 and be allowed to repeat the year
- Consult the application procedures for the secure route
Eligible public - External pathway
- External student at ENS Paris-Saclay (not registered administratively at ENS Paris-Saclay in 2022-2023)
- Student from a country of the European Economic Area (including Andorra, Switzerland and Monaco)
- Students of another nationality who reside in France
- Consult the terms and conditions of application for the external route
Application dates: 22 March to 18 April 2023
Masters 2
M2 : Design research
- Refer to the program and application procedures.
- Program delivered in French and in English.
- Program open to international students.
M2 : Formation à l'enseignement supérieur en Design
- Refer to the program and application procedures.
- Program delivered in French.
- Program open to international students.
Graduates can sit the competitive agrégation examination in art, applied arts option, and construct a research project.
The research-based master's programme aims to encourage students to pursue careers in design research, through exposure to and interaction with leading researchers.