Health Biology

Life sciences include a set of fundamental and medical disciplines, developed on various models and issues, from the genome to the population scale.
They use common concepts, complementary methodologies and identical model systems to address the specific challenges of each field.
Master 1 Biology-Health - Boris Ephrussi Track
Eligible public
- Be registered as a "normalien élève" or "normalien étudiant" at ENS Paris-Saclay;
- Students of foreign nationality (excluding nationals of the European Economic Area, Andorra, Switzerland or Monaco) whose country of residence is covered by the Études en France scheme;
- Student registered in the Master 1 Biology Health Boris Ephrussi Track in 2022-2023 and be authorised to repeat the year
Entry requirements
- Application dates: 1 March to 14 May 2023
- See how to apply.
Agrégation et Master 2 : Formation à l'enseignement supérieur en Sciences du Vivant (BGB)
Possibility of taking the "agrégation Biochimie Génie biologique" which is a competitive examination for the recruitment of secondary school teachers.
The Master's programme is built in partnership with other institutions that are members of the Université Paris-Saclay (AgroParisTech, CNRS, CEA, Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Mines-Telecom, INRA, INSERM, Université Versailles St Quentin, Université Paris Sud).
Job opportunities
The Master's degree offers opportunities in the following fields: scientific research, research and development, health, teaching, scientific and technological monitoring, quality control, health regulations, scientific communication, studies at the biotechnology/environment interface.
For the health professions: obtaining a Master's degree is a prerequisite for access to university hospital careers (e.g. position of Hospital Practitioner).
Professions accessible after the Biology-Health Master's degree: Design engineer, Research and development (e.g. pharmaceutical industry), Clinical research associate, Marketing (high-tech products), Technological and competitive watch, Communication and scientific popularisation, Secondary school teachers (agrégation).
Careers available after completing a PhD: Teacher-researcher in higher education, Researcher, Research engineer (in the public or private sector).