
sos-inscription-2024 [at] (sos-inscription)

For all other questions,
contact the ri-incoming [at] (International Relations Department)rel=" noopener" target="_blank"

International students

Crédits photo : Philippe Couette.

Follow all the steps

IMPORTANT: Please read and follow all steps before clicking on the link "Proceed with your re-enrollment on Coriander."

Once your registration is validated, you will be able to obtain your school certificate.

Clarify your status

Following the confirmation of your admission by email, you can now proceed to your first registration. However, it is necessary to know your status before registering.

  • Status : students, Erasmus agreement or international exchange : European and international students admitted by Erasmus agreement or international exchange;
  • Status : Normalien à titre étranger : normaliens à titre étranger admitted by competitive examination to the ENS Paris-Saclay diploma.

Registration at ENS Paris-Saclay is possible after having clarified one's status, training and level with the chosen teaching department or laboratory.

The registration procedure at ENS Paris-Saclay is as follows:

Step 1. Apply for a visa to France

  • For the candidates of the "Etudes en France" procedure: after having obtained the admission agreement of the ENS Paris-Saclay or the University Paris-Saclay, create your account on the website Etudes en France by completing your file online, tab "I am accepted".
  • For other applicants: go directly to the official website of visas for France to discover the list of required documents, then make an appointment directly in the nearest French Embassy or Consulate to make your request.

Step 2. Paying the CVEC

Each student must obtain, prior to administrative registration, a certificate of payment of the Student Life and Campus Contribution (CVEC), by payment or exemption. The CVEC is used, for example, to finance preventive medicine and psychologist's visits, to establish a social assistance fund or to support student association projects.

International students who do not have an INE must check "I do not have an INE" and provide either proof of enrollment in French higher education for the current year, if already present in France, or proof of enrollment for the coming year or a certificate of internship in France.
The proposal for temporary accommodation in a university residence sent to you by the Crous by e-mail is accepted as proof.

The following are exempt from the CVEC: students with social and French government scholarships, international exchange and Erasmus students, students in continuing education, refugee students, students who are beneficiaries of subsidiary protection and students who are registered as asylum seekers and who have the right to stay in France.
If you become eligible for exemption from the contribution during the academic year, you can obtain a refund from the CROUS.

Step 3. Gather the documents to be attached

General mandatory documents

  • Identity document (visa or residence permit)
  • Passport
  • Last 3 transcripts
  • All diplomas obtained: original and, if in a language other than French or English, certified translation of the last foreign diploma
  • Certificate of the Student Life and Campus Contribution (CVEC)
  • Personal liability certificate for the current year: this certificate guarantees that you are covered in case of accident. You can download it from your insurance company's website. Please note: it should not be confused with the rental liability certificate.

Related documents

  • Proof of exemption from tuition fees for non-EU students benefiting from an exemption from the French government or an embassy
  • Proof of scholarships (embassy or other organizations).

Step 4. Sign up

Technical advice

  • Use the Mozilla Firefox browser.
  • Use your connection identifier received from the School (on file) or from the University Paris-Saclay (master).
  • Allow 20 minutes to complete your registration.
  • Register during the opening hours of 7am to 9:59pm.
  • Prepare all the supporting documents before registering.

Step 5. Pay your registration fee

Once ENS Paris Saclay has validated your registration file and fixed the amount of the registration fees, you will receive an email with a link to proceed to the payment:

  • online: connect to the Paybox platform to pay in full or in 3 installments
  • in person: go to the Direction de la scolarité et de la vie étudiante (DSVE), East building, 1st floor, office 1B79 before paying by check or credit card at the accounting agency, East building, 2nd floor, office 2A73, on Tuesdays or Thursdays.

The registration is acquired only after the registration fee has been paid and the controls have been completed.

Payment in 3 times

  • The first debit is made at registration and then on the 15th of the month following the first payment (a minimum delay of 20 days will be respected).
  • If a debit is rejected, the debits stop and you must go to the accounting agency to pay the remaining amount.

In case of non-payment of registration fees

  • Withdrawal or cancellation of administrative registration may take place within a certain period of time.
  • Students who have not finalized their registration by October 31 will be given formal notice and may be referred to the Disciplinary Board by decision of the President.

Step 6. Edit your school certificate

Once the payment has been made, you will receive an e-mail indicating the procedure to follow to edit your school certificate.
Please note that only the link included in the email will allow you to access the edition of your certificate.

Step 7. Obtain your school certificate

Once your online registration is finalized and your fees paid, you will be able to retrieve a digital version of your school certificate from the Horizon application, available on the School's intranet, and you will receive an automatic email to log in.

Step 8. Collect your student card

You will be informed by email when your student card is available.
During the month of September, you will be able to pick it up at the DSVEC: at Atrium, upon presentation of an ID.

Step 9. Check your educational contract

The pedagogical registration (choice of courses and course groups) is done following the administrative registration by each teaching department before November 15.

  • This registration is a prerequisite for the registration of students for exams and the issuing of diplomas.
  • You will be given an individual pedagogical contract. Please check it before signing it.