FAQ registration

A question? A difficulty?
Check out our frequently asked questions to register.

  1. Check, you're ask: sos-inscription-2024 [at] ens-paris-saclay.frclass="spamspan"
  2. Login problems will be dealt with on an individual basis in several days’ time

People who are accepted by competitive exam and who have not received their login must contact sos-inscription-2024 [at] ens-paris-saclay.fr with the following information:

  • Title: Login not received (Recruitment by competitive exam)
  • Content:
    • Last name and first name:
    • E-mail:
    • Application method: competitive exam

The login and password for those people admitted through application will be generated as of June. Please wait.

For those persons who have been recruited for a Masters at Paris-Saclay, IT accounts are created in batches based on the information collected from the application software for the Paris-Saclay website.

The date when the accounts are created depends on the date on which the panel accepted your application.
The first import is done in late July. Please wait a few more days before making your request.

People who are accepted for a Masters at Paris-Saclay and who have not received their login must contact sos-inscription-2024 [at] ens-paris-saclay.fr with the following information:

  • Title: Login not received (Recruitment Paris-Saclay)
  • Content:
    • Last name and first name:
    • E-mail:
    • Application method: Master Paris-Saclay

For all login and password problems for your online personal space (example: wrong login or password, etc.), you should contact: sos-inscription-2024 [at] ens-paris-saclay.fr

In the e-mail, please indicate:

  • Last name and first name;
  • Login;
  • Your planned degree;
  • A screenshot if possible.

Please note: You must absolutely not send the ticket and your password.

Once your registration has been finalised, if you want to change your password, go to the School’s intranet page.
Log in and choose “manage my account” (top right) then click on “change my password”.

Please note: until your registration has been finalised, your password may only be changed once.

If your problem is not resolved, you should contact sos-inscription-2024 [at] ens-paris-saclay.fr indicating:

  • Last name and first name;
  • Login
  • Planned degree
  • Application method: competitive exam, Application file, Masters Paris-Saclay 
  • A screenshot if possible

Please note: You must absolutely not send your password.

All new students following classes at ENS Paris-Saclay must click on "1st registration".

If you were registered for a bachelor’s degree at the Université Paris-Saclay for the previous year rather than ENS Paris-Saclay, you should click on 1st registration.


There are different categories of students at the École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay.

Normaliens élèves

These are the civil servant interns who are recruited by competitive exam after at least two years of higher education study (generally after two years of preparation classes for the “grandes écoles”).
They are paid while they study at ENS Paris-Saclay, and as a result are committed to ten years of work, i.e. they have to work in the French Civil Service for a 10 year period in exchange for their studies being paid.
Registration for the ENS Paris-Saclay Degree is mandatory for normalien élèves.

Normaliens étudiants

These students are following the same course as the élèves, but they do not have the status of civil servant intern.
They are recruited by the departments and generally, they are selected by application and interview.
Normaliens étudiants are unpaid, and consequently are not required to commit to 10 years’ work.
Registration for the ENS Paris-Saclay Degree is mandatory for normalien étudiants.

Normaliens accepted as foreign students

These students are normaliens who are accepted on a foreign basis to the ENS Paris-Saclay competitive entrance exam.
Normaliens accepted as foreign students receive a grant during their education for an predetermined period of time.


These students are not registered for the ENS Paris-Saclay Degree, but are generally registered for the School’s Masters year 1 or 2.

Further education interns

These are public and private sector employees from industry and economic sectors, job-seekers and teachers in post. Professional training courses which are specifically adapted to their needs are made available.

If you have been accepted via the competitive exam, you are a paid civil servant intern, and as a result, a normalien élève within ENS Paris-Saclay.

Please note: if you were receiving a grant for social reasons, you will lose your status as a grant holder (as you cannot receive a grant and be paid a salary at the same time).

In Coriandre, you do not need to add the organism responsible for your grant.

In Coriandre:

  1. Click on the tab “Social situation”.
  2. In the "Resources",tab, click on the origin of the resources by selecting Grants and loans.
  3. The supporting document must then be uploaded.

Trainee civil servants who have student status at the École normale supérieure must join the national education social security scheme, the MGEN.

Since the start of the 2018 academic year, student contributions to social security have been abolished and replaced by the "Contribution to Student and Campus Life" (CVEC).

Given that you have not yet received a (conditional or final) grant notification, you must pay the “Contribution to Student and Campus Life” in order to finalise your online registration.
Once you have received your grant notification, you can request a refund from the Crous.


To get your CVEC certificate, you need to go to the CVEC website.

  • You will then receive a proof of payment statement (if you are subject to payment) or a statement of exemption from payment (if you are exempt from paying this contribution).
  • On this certificate, there is a 12-character unique identifying number that you need to enter when you register on the School’s online app.

This certificate is a document that certifies that you are covered by civil liability insurance.

Please note: this should not be confused with the rental liability certificate.

This document may be statement of baccalauréat marks or from a higher education institution other than ENS Paris-Saclay.

International students without a National Student ID number (INE) should tick “code unknown”.

This certificate is compulsory for French nationals under 25 years of age.
It was given to you following your participation in the defence and citizenship day (JDC).

This e-mail contains the institution where you have been registered for administrative purposes, and the institution responsible for your academic supervision.

You will receive this e-mail in your personal e-mail inbox provided in your application.

No, only those students born in France are able to obtain the census certificate.
In your case, you should click on “Not applicable”.

The certificate of participation in the call-up is an individual certificate given to you following participation in the Defence and Citizenship Day (also called "Journée d'appel de préparation à la défense").

If you are an international student: click on the "not applicable" box.

Registration fees are to be paid at the end of the registration process once the Academic and Student Life Directorate (DSVE) has fully checked your application file.

You will be informed by e-mail once the check is complete.
Payment is to be made on the secure online payment platform Paybox via Coriandre, or by cheque.

For 2024-2025, students from outside the European Union will pay the same fees as national students.

Only holders of the Visa Secure 3D cards are only able to pay in three instalments, provided that the date of validity makes it possible to take the final payment (two months after the first).The payment in 3 times is no longer possible from the end of September.

If this is not the case, you will have to make a single payment or pay with another card.



You can pay your registration as a one-off payment, or pay it in three instalments using the Paybox online secure payment platform via Coriandre. You will receive the link once your registration has been confirmed. The payment in 3 times is no longer possible from the end of September.

All payments of less than €250 including tax must be paid in a single instalment.

Registration fees are usually paid on the Paybox online secure payment platform. You will receive the link once your registration has been confirmed.

Once your registration has been confirmed, it is no longer possible to modify it. However, you can continue to upload your supporting documents.

You need to contact sos-inscription-2024 [at] ens-paris-saclay.fr

If the institution you are looking for is not displayed within a few seconds, here are some tips:

  • Try putting fewer letters and typing just the first two or three letters in your institution’s name
    (e.g.: LY for LYCEE (high school) will display all of the lycées in the department);
  • Enter a word or a few of the main letters found in the institution’s name
    (e.g.:  COUF to find Lycée Couffignal, KLEBER, TECHNO etc.).

If the name of your institution is still not displayed, you need to make a request to sos-inscription-2024 [at] ens-paris-saclay.fr providing :

  • Last name
  • First name
  • Login
  • Planned degree
  • A screenshot if possible;

above all, do not send the ticket and the password) so that the institution can be added.

This field enables the DSVE to make a note of the corrections to be made by the student to the file.

The main errors are missing or incomplete documents or wrongly filled-in fields.