Do your thesis at ENS Paris-Saclay
ENS Paris-Saclay is a leading interdisciplinary research center, bringing together in a single location basic sciences, engineering sciences, and humanities and social sciences. Approximately 350 doctoral students, whether or not they have graduated from the École Normale Supérieure, are hosted in the École's laboratories. The work of these doctoral students is essential to the scientific production of the laboratories and leads to the doctoral degree, a recognized and even indispensable passport to high-level careers in France and abroad.
The preparation of a thesis at the ENS is carried out under the supervision of a thesis director attached to an ENS Paris-Saclay laboratory within the framework of a Doctoral School (ED) of the University of Paris-Saclay (or co-accredited).
- The duration of a thesis, often linked to the duration of the associated funding, is 3 years.
- The thesis is prepared at ENS Paris-Saclay, your employer (the one who finances you) can be ENS Paris-Saclay, but you are registered at the University Paris-Saclay.
- The title of "Doctor of the University of Paris-Saclay prepared at ENS Paris-Saclay" is awarded after a public defense.
Doctoral schools linked to our laboratories
Even if they operate within a single national framework, the doctoral schools have their own operations.
Consult the list of doctoral schools of the University of Paris-Saclay in which doctoral students preparing their thesis in a laboratory of ENS Paris-Saclay must register.
The doctoral school to which the doctoral student belongs is the doctoral school to which the thesis director belongs.
- Cancérologie, biologie, médecine, santé - CBMS
- Sciences chimiques : molécules, matériaux, instrumentation et biosystèmes - 2MIB
- Mathématiques Hadamard - EDMH
- Ondes et matière - EDOM
- Electrical, optical, Bio - physics and Engineering - EOBE
- Approches interdisciplinaires: fondements, applications et innovations - INTERFACES
- Structure et dynamique des systèmes vivants - SDSV
- Sciences de l'homme et de la société - SHS
- Sciences mécaniques et énergétiques, matériaux et géosciences - SMEMAG
- Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication - STIC
- Innovation thérapeutique du fondamental à l'appliqué - INNOVTHERAPEUTIQUE
A doctoral mission officer within the School
The management of ENS Paris-Saclay, aware of the importance of the doctoral thesis in the curriculum of its students, has assigned a teacher-researcher and a manager to facilitate access to information concerning the doctorate in general, and the doctorate at ENS Paris-Saclay in particular, and to manage the specific funding for normaliens (CDSN).
This mission is not intended to replace that of the doctoral schools, which remain the preferred place for information, particularly of a disciplinary nature, or the Maison du doctorat, which brings together the central services related to the doctorate at the University of Paris-Saclay and is in charge of enrollment, cross-disciplinary training, and the defense process through to graduation.
It is also intended to complement the actions carried out by the teaching and research departments with students and pupils in pre-doctoral training. Their role is essential to obtain sound advice at the heart of the disciplines.
An association of doctoral students
ENS Paris-Saclay doctoral students (or future doctoral students at the ENS or elsewhere) can also contact the ENS Paris-Saclay doctoral students' association (ADEPS). They inform, advise and welcome, in a different and complementary way to the institutional channels.