Legal Services, Institutional Affairs and Procurement
The division has two separate missions: the handling of legal matters and public procurement.
The missions of this division cover three separate areas:
Legal services
- drafting and review of the School's complex legal documents: agreements and contracts (excluding research contracts), deliberations and individual decisions;
- legal advice: advice to divisions and departments, dissemination of legal information (legislation and regulations) throughout the School;
- advice on issues related to intellectual property;
- data protection advisor;
- advice in litigation: investigating pre-litigation and litigation cases; filing of complaints on behalf of the School, defence of the School before administrative tribunals and administrative courts of appeal;
- recording and archiving of agreements.
Institutional affairs
- supervision and control of documents related to the governance of the School;
- preparation, follow-up and drafting of the deliberations of the Board of Directors;
- preparation and follow-up of disciplinary committees;
- preparation and monitoring of elections;
- participation in drafting the various statutory documents of ENS Paris-Saclay (statutes, IR, etc.);
- preparation of standard delegations of signatures/powers and publication.
Public procurement
- logistical support to divisions/departments for preparing technical specifications;
- drafting documents for public tenders;
- calls for tender through the "procédure adaptée" and through the e-procurement platform;
- opening of tenders and transfer to the divisions/departments concerned for evaluation;
- organization of tender evaluation committees;
- notification of award of contracts;
- administration of public contracts (amendments, renewal, termination, etc.) and support for the financial implementation of public contracts;
- annual public procurement review (Article 133 of the CMP) and record keeping;
- management of the e-procurement platform (the School's purchaser profile);
- communication of procurement procedures to the School's administrators.
- Recording and archiving of the agreements of all the School's divisions, departments and laboratories.
Legal Services, Institutional Affairs and Procurement is a division of Professional Services. It serves to support the activities and missions of ENS Paris-Saclay.
The head of division is responsible for legal and institutional affairs and all public procurement activities.
She is assisted by two staff members: one is responsible for the management of public procurement and related procedures, and another takes care of the School's institutional affairs.