Occupational health service
Occupational health service

Occupational Health Service

The Occupational Health Service (OHS) provides preventive healthcare services (and exceptional emergency care) to protect the health of staff at work.

Bâtiment est (RdCh) - 0O81a
4, avenue des Sciences
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
Tel. +33 (1) 81 87 49 89


You can also contact our medical services:

Health surveillance : secretariat.medical [at] ens-paris-saclay.frclass="spamspan".

Psychologue : rdv-psychologue [at] ens-paris-saclay.frclass="spamspan"

Please make sure to leave your phone number so that I can call you back for a telephone interview, if necessary.


The OHS:

  • conducts health surveillance suited to employees' occupational exposure, age and working conditions
  • participates in the monitoring and traceability of occupational exposure
  • provides first aid treatment on site, at the infirmary or elsewhere on the premises if necessary
  • In parallel, the OHS conducts activities focused on the work environment, including:
  • workplace inspections
    • workstation assessments, with a view to improving working conditions or, in certain conditions, adapting them
    • job hazard identification and assessment
    • participation in Workplace Health and Safety Committee meetings
  • The OHS advises the senior management team, staff and their representatives on necessary precautions and measures to reduce occupational hazards and difficult working conditions, and help keep staff in their jobs. 

The psychologist provides clinical consultations for students and staff


The OHS is part of Professional Services.

The team comprises:

  • an occupational physician, Docteur Yann Le Goff
  • a nurse 
  • a psychologist
  • a secretary