Webinar: Diploma in Quantum Technologies (ARTeQ)

- Date and time: Thursday, February 6 from 6:30pm
- Webinar mode: hybrid (ENS Paris-Saclay, room 1Z77 North building or remote)
Connect to the webinar
- Moderator: Jean-François Roch (LUMIN)
The ARTeQ diploma
As part of the national plan for quantum technologies, the École offers an inter-institutional diploma, Année de Recherche en Technologies Quantiques (ARTeQ), a one-year training program in quantum computation and algorithms, quantum simulation, quantum communications and quantum sensors.
The QUANTUM Paris-Saclay center
This training program, operated by ENS Paris-Saclay and Université Paris-Saclay, is part of the QUANTUM Paris-Saclay center of Université Paris-Saclay and Institut Polytechnique de Paris.
The courses are designed to place students at the heart of the second quantum revolution and the development of quantum technologies.
Crédits photo : Jérome Foubert