The Department of Teaching and Research (DER) in Biology is open to students intending to work in teaching and research in all fields of biology.
Its main disciplines are biochemistry, microbiology and human biology. They allow an integrated approach to modern biology, with an emphasis on human pathologies (infectious diseases, cancer, etc.).
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- Director: Gerald.Peyroche [at] ens-cachan.fr (Gérald PEYROCHE)
- Assistant Director of Studies : uriel.hazan [at] ens-cachan.fr (Uriel HAZAN)title="Uriel Hazan"
- Assistant Director of Studies : PASCALE.RIALLAND-LEFEVRE [at] ens-cachan.fr (Pascale RIALLAND)title="Pascale Rialland Lefevre"
- Teaching team: 12 permanent teachers and lecturers and 3 instructors
Technical team: 4 people
Associated laboratory: Laboratoire de biologie et pharmacologie appliquée (LBPA).
The training within the DER allows the acquisition of scientific and technical knowledge from the molecular to the organism scale: from biochemistry to applied microbiology, including organic chemistry, molecular and cellular biology, human physiology, neuroscience, immunology, medical bacteriology, fundamental and medical virology.
The training is based on a variety of teaching methods (lectures, tutorials, practical work, internships, analysis of articles). All teaching units are built around a research problem. The department's facilities allow for state-of-the-art experimental teaching.
Licence LDD3 : Chimie, Sciences de la vie – Cursus ENS
M1 Biologie-Santé - Voie Boris Ephrussi
M2 : Formation à l'enseignement supérieur en Sciences du Vivant (BGB)
Pre-master's competition (1st year entrance exam)
After a preparatory class for the BCPST or TB grandes écoles, recruitment by competitive examination leads to the status of Normalien-ne-élève. Paid during their studies, the normalien-ne-s-élèves are obliged to succeed and are subject to a ten-year commitment.
Entrance exam for the Master cycle
The entrance exam for the Master's cycle allows students to enter the 2nd year of the ENS Paris Saclay diploma and to complete three years of paid training.
Recruitment by application in the 1st year
Recruitment on the basis of a portfolio allows access to the status of "normalien-ne-étudiant-e". This status offers the same training and pedagogical follow-up as the normalien-ne-s-élèves, except that they are not paid during their studies and are therefore not subject to the ten-year commitment.