Funding for international students

International students are eligible, under certain conditions, for funding to study or do research at ENS Paris-Saclay. Discover our programs!


ENS Paris-Saclay's incoming international scholarship program

Each year, ENS Paris-Saclay offers funding to the best international students and doctoral candidates wishing to train in one of its 11 teaching and research departments or one of its laboratories.

The program supports mobilities for:

  • Master 2
  • Joint PhD
  • Research stays and internships

Find all the useful information on the program rules.

  • Master 2: applications are open until June 31, 2024 for the year 2024-2025.
  • Doctorate and research stay: applications are open until December 31, 2024 for the year 2024-2025.
  • Master 2: 1000 € per month for 10 months (from September to June).
  • Doctorate and research stay: 1000 € per month.

International Master's Scholarship Program of the Université Paris-Saclay

Université Paris-Saclay wishes to promote the international opening of the master's degree programs (National Diploma) offered within its components, its component institutions and its associated member universities, and thus facilitate the reception of international students of the highest international level, and in particular those wishing to develop a doctoral project at the end of the master's degree.

These scholarships are granted for 1 or 2 years to students admitted to a master's program at the University of Paris-Saclay, depending on the level of admission (M1 or M2) and subject to obtaining the necessary credits for the passage to the higher level.

Find all information about this program on the regulations webpage.

  • Master's application deadline (recommended) to be selected: April 28, 2022
  • After being selected, deadline to apply for the scholarship: May 14, 2022
  • Closing date of the call (deadline for return of recommendation by the 2 referees): 18 May 2022
  • Announcement of results: end of June 2022
  • 1000€ per month for 10 months (from September to June).
  • A maximum lump sum of 1000€ for travel and visa expenses is also awarded depending on the country of origin

Fulbright Program / ENS Paris-Saclay (United States)

ENS Paris-Saclay has maintained a very active partnership with the Franco-American Fulbright Commission for several years. This cooperation makes it possible to finance a few American undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students for study or research stays at ENS Paris-Saclay.

Find all the useful information on the program rules.


Application deadline: October 11, 2022

  • 1000€ per month from ENS Paris-Saclay and exemption from registration fees. 
  • 500€ per month and 1200€ of travel expenses from the Franco-American Commission.

China Scholarship Council / ENS Group Doctoral Fellowship Program

The program between the ENS group and the CSC allows to recruit PhD students from all Chinese universities or to finance a research stay of a Chinese PhD student in a laboratory affiliated to one of the ENS. This program allows the recruitment of up to 20 PhD students per year distributed among the four ENS (i.e. a maximum of 5 candidates per ENS per year).

There are two possibilities for scholarships depending on the status of the candidates.

  • Full PhD, 36 to 48 months thesis grant .
    • Thesis with a single diploma awarded in France
    • Thesis with international co-supervision
  • Visiting PhD, 6 to 24 months: thesis with a single diploma awarded in China with an invitation to do a research stay in France.

Find all the information about the program on the rules. 

  • Stage 1: call for thesis proposals: 10/11/2021 to 10/12/2021.
  • Stage 2: call for applications: 15/11/2021 to 15/02/2022.
  • Stage 3: selection of applications: February 2022.
  • Communication of results: June 2022.
  • Doctorate: 1350€ per month from the China Scholarship Council for 36 or 48 months depending on the length of stay. 
    Research stay: 1350€ per month for 6 to 24 months depending on the duration of the stay. 

Eiffel excellence program – Campus France

The Eiffel scholarship program is a tool developed by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and is intended for foreign students in master's and doctoral programs.

Find all the information about the program on the dedicated page of the Campus France website.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Eligibility Requirements :
  • Excellence of the candidate ;
  • Master’s degree or Doctorate ;
  • Foreign national (French binationals are not eligible) ;
  • Less than 25 y.o for the Master’s degree. Less than 30 y.o for the doctorate ;
  • Non-beneficiary of a French government grant ;
  • Level B2 in French is recommended.


Since ENS Paris-Saclay is a component-establishment of Université Paris-Saclay, applications must be made via the platform of Université Paris-Saclay.

  • Opening of the call for applications: September 10, 2023.
  • Deadline for students to submit applications to Université Paris Saclay Website : November 18, 2023
  • Announcement of pre-selection results : Week of December 1, 2023
  • Deadline for institutions to submit applications to Campus France: January 10, 2023
  • Announcement of results: Week of April 3, 2022 on Campus France website.


  • Master's degree: monthly allowance of €1181 (€1031 maintenance allowance + €150 monthly allowance) for 24 months for a M1 or 12 months for a M2, plus direct payment of several benefits.
  • Doctorate: monthly allowance of 1700€ (since January 1, 2021) for maximum 18 months splittable in 3 stays in France of at least 6 months with the approval of the selection committee, plus direct payment of several benefits.


Sophie Germain Master's Scholarship Program (Mathematics)

The Fondation de Mathématiques Jacques Hadamard (FMJH) and the Labex Mathématiques Hadamard (LMH) offer one- or two-year fellowships for talented French or foreign students who apply for a Master's degree in mathematics in one of its member institutions.

Find all the information about the program on the dedicated page.

  • First call from October to January 31: only for students abroad and outside the Paris-Saclay area. 
  • Second call from February to May 15: concerns only the "interns", i.e. the students who are already studying within the perimeter of Paris-Saclay.
  • 10000€ for the year of master (M2).
  • An allowance of approximately 500 € to cover university registration fees.
  • For foreign students, a fixed allowance of a maximum of 2000 € per year (calculated on a scale established according to their country of origin to cover travel expenses for a round trip within the year and visa fees).
  • Reservation of an accommodation.

Erasmus+ program

The Erasmus+ program is managed by the European Commission.
If your home institution has an agreement with ENS Paris-Saclay in your field of study, you can apply for an Erasmus mobility (for studies or internship).
The Erasmus grant will be awarded to you to finance part of your travel and stay.

Deadline for nomination by partner institutions: 

  • Fall semester / academic year: April 30
  • Spring semester: October 31

Student Application Deadline: 

  • Fall semester / academic year: May 31
  • Spring Semester: November 30


Contact the International Relations Office of your home institution for more information.

Graduate Scholars in France (Canada)

ENS Paris-Saclay with the French Embassy in Canada, provides funding for two Canadian students (excluding Quebec residents) enrolled in a master's programme operated by ENS Paris-Saclay. These students are considered as scholarship holders of the French government.

You can find all the details on this page

To be defined

  • 1 000€ per month from ENS Paris-Saclay for 10 months
  • Exemption of registration fees
  • Campus France benefits (Round-trip flights, health insurance,...)