Projects for normaliens and normaliennes (ASPEN)

Here's a look back at Normalien's commitment projects since 2023.
The projects
Lucas JACQUIER: protecting large birds of prey
Lucas Jacquier is in the Biology teaching and research department (DER).
He presented his “Interventions sur la biodiversité” project (lectures and workshops) aimed at schoolchildren and students.
“Now I want to get more directly involved by going out into the field! .... It's no surprise to anyone that biodiversity has suffered in recent decades.”
Édith TURPYN: health for general practitioners
Édith Turpyn is in the Biology teaching and research department (DER).
She produces podcasts for the ARC Foundation, designed for general practitioners to provide concrete answers to their questions about advances in research.
“I'm delighted to be wrapping up this diploma as a Normalienne with a commitment that makes sense, putting to good use the years of training I received at ENS Paris-Saclay.”
Margot DEL-VALLE--LEZIER: understanding our health in comics
Margot Del-Valle--Lezier is in the Biology teaching and research department (DER).
She has published her first comics, “Comprendre notre santé en BD” (Understanding our health in comics), produced with INSERM.
“Having a particular attraction for drawing and the transmission of knowledge, I chose to devote myself within the framework of a specific year of commitment normalien (ASPEN) to the dissemination of knowledge in medical biology using comics as a communication tool.”
Bastien PERROT: training public players in biodiversity issues
Bastien Perrotest is in the Biology teaching and research department (DER).
In 2024, he is preparing a project on “Training public officials, elected representatives and future senior civil servants in biodiversity issues” at the French Biodiversity Office.
“I want my professional life and my commitments as a citizen to contribute to the protection of biodiversity. My project during the normalien engagement year (ASPEN) will enable me to get involved in a concrete way and right now in a mission that makes sense to me.”
Marie TCHENG: the place of women in scientific subjects
Marie Tcheng is a member of the Computer Science teaching and research department (DER).
In 2024, she is working with the Femmes et Mathématiques (Women and Mathematics) association and Agence Phare on the issue of women's place in scientific subjects, particularly mathematics.
“Women are not absent from scientific subjects because of a 'genetic' lack of interest in them, but because of social mechanisms that push them out at all ages. As a student, it has always been important for me to take an active interest in these subjects.”
Paul DASQUIÉ: a mediation project for firefighters working with Sdis
Paul Dasquié is a member of the Department of Teaching and Research (DER) Human and Social Sciences (SHS).
In 2024-2025, he is carrying out a specific Year of Normalian Commitment (ASPEN) with the Eure departmental fire and rescue service (SDIS).
“The year will revolve around a commitment as a volunteer firefighter and awareness-raising and mediation work with firefighters involved with the SDIS. This project also fits in with my current research work on the sociology of commitment, work and social classes, and with my commitment as a volunteer fireman for over a year.”
- Would you like to carry out a project focusing on humanitarian aid and solidarity, the transmission of scientific knowledge through outreach activities, or a commitment to sustainable development? Read all about the ASPEN year.